I heard roars and cries for help as we kept running, “They’re called Lyetta. They won’t stop. We have to keep moving until we can hide. I can’t shapeshift because they’ll see me in the sky this close. We have to get further away.”
As I looked up, I saw the large creatures that were mutated and rage-filled. Their eyes bore flames and their mouths salivated at the thought of dismembering anything in its path.
“Gods, what did I do?”
“Keep running! We can’t stop it now. Athiana did this. She set it up.”
I figured that she did, but it didn’t stop me from thinking the worst about this situation. The reason everyone was in this predicament was because of my family.
“Clara. You have done nothing wrong. Nothing at all. You aresavingus.”
It didn’t feel like I was saving anyone, rather I was endangering everyone. We cut across trees as we kept running.My heart rate was bursting as we kept moving. Leaving everyone behind.
I started to think that if I left them back there that they would all die.
“Luke! We have to go back. I can’t leave them there.”
He stopped looking at me frantically, “Clara, I promised Eros that I would keep you safe. I have to stand by that promise.”
I scoffed, “Well, keep me safe while we protect our friends. I— I can’t. We have to go back.”
He grunted, frustrated with me. He quickly filled the space between us, “Clara, if you get hurt…by the gods I will be so pissed at you.”
“Good. Be mad at me. It’s better that way,” I chuckled.
“I’m not laughing. I’m being serious, Clara. I watched Athiana get close to you, but she even fooled me. I didn’t know who she was. I wasn’t protecting you; I let her into your life. That is my fault.”
I sighed, “We need to stop taking the blame for all of this. You’ve made it clear that I was meant to save you. To save us. So, let’s go do that and stop talking about what we could have done differently,” I said in a raised tone. Not to fuss at him but to get my point across.
He nodded, his eyes simmering slightly before they lit up with the brightest color. He leaned in, kissing my forehead. “Then climb on. Let’s go take them down. You remember how to use your power?”
I rolled my eyes, flicking my hands on the side of me, and when I did, the vines, the roots, all wrapped together alongside of me. I smiled a wicked grin, “I can also do a few other things too.”
His brows shot up, “Then let’s see it.”
Within a blink, he had shifted into his beast form. His beautiful scales shimmered slightly as he turned his body so thatI had access to climb on the back of him. Once I was secured, I felt the airtight lock on my legs holding me in place. I leaned over and pressed a kiss on the back of his neck. “Let’s go save our friends.”
We were flying over the trees in the span of a breath. I could see the other beasts trying to take down the Lyetta, the bodies of the ones that didn’t survive, and then I saw Griffin. He was covered in dark red blood as he tore into one of the Lyetta that he took down, next to him lay an unmoving Alexandra.
The vamprye were swarming the beast as Griffin stepped back allowing them to recharge themselves. Lachlan was vengeful and enraged as he flew with his sword, slashing into the beast—through the heart. Enough for the creature to fall to the ground. I watched him fly down, landing with a thud, and walk towards the tree line, where Mia was hiding.
“What are you doing, Lachlan?” I said to no one in particular.
He reached her, gripping the back of her neck as she looked up at him. I tried to break into his mind, but I couldn’t. He said something and off she ran, through the trees. He watched her as she ran, sighing, he turned around and stretched out his wings, ready to battle again.
The scene was gruesome and cruel. If I would have seen this when I was younger, there’s no way I would’ve been able to deal with death. The blood. The stench of rusted metal.
One of the Lyetta took notice of our approach and breathed out a fireball that Luke avoided with a swoop. I focused my energy on the surrounding trees, the water, and the fire. Any and every natural state of this world I thought of. I watched as my power surged pulling the roots of the nearby trees up from the ground. Giving us an aisle to the battle.
The roots twisted together beside us as we flew lower to the ground, to the tops of the trees. I locked eyes on the Lyetta as Iunleashed the vines and roots toward it. Once it wrapped around the neck of the Lyetta, it tightened enough for the creature to lose balance. And I did something I’d never done before. I lit the entire line of trees on fire, connecting to the beast. I watched as the flames traveled down it like wildfire.
It finally made it to the neck of the beast and I heard its roar. Before I could react, I felt a pain through the back of my neck. I was pushed over on the side of Luke’s body, hanging off with only the airlocks securing me as I dangled above the ground. Luke knew something was wrong and immediately turned around. His eyes flickered with panic as I felt another hit on the back of my head. This time, I tasted the blood in my mouth.
The pain was unbearable. I felt the blood pouring from the back of my neck.
Luke, what is it?