Page 10 of A Clash of Embers

What a sweet lady.

As I picked up the pajamas, I noticed Leo was still looking at me.

“I’m going to step into the bathroom to change, and I’ll be right out,” I said.

He nodded at me, and once I closed the bathroom door behind me, I leaned my back against it and let out a ragged breath, trying to compose myself.

I reached for the lace and pulled it apart, slipped off the dress, and replaced it with the silk pajamas. They fit me snugly and accentuated all of my curves. I placed the dress on the side of the shower to hang it up, and I turned to brace the sink.

There were times as a child when I played in my room or was running around outside when I felt like someone was missing. When I was with Evander, that feeling of emptiness disappeared. My mind wandered to him. I missed him terribly. I hoped he was alive and that he was okay. I longed for him. He hadn’t reached out to me, but I’d try again. I would try until I found an answer.

Evander. If you can hear me, I need to know you are alive. Please.

I stood there for a few moments and heard nothing. Part of me felt like he was alive, ignoring me, and it angered me. I swungthe door open and stepped into the barely lit room. Only one lamp in between our two beds shone with a soft ambient glow, reminding me of the candles after my wedding.

I felt Leo’s eyes on me before I turned to meet his gaze. He was tucked under the sheets with his shirt off, exposing his strong chest, with light brown hairs that covered it. I diverted my eyes quickly to my bed and jumped in, pulling the forest green sheets over my chest and neck, encapsulating myself in a cocoon, afraid that if I left any part of my body the slightest bit exposed, that he would get the wrong idea.

In my peripheral vision, Leo leaned over, turning off the lamp and leaving only the silver light from the night sky creeping into the room, covering our bed sheets. My head tilted over to him and when I did, I saw the same marking that Madok had. Three lines run parallel with his ribs.

It has to be him.

“Good night, Clara.”

I smiled at the ceiling “Good night, Leo.”

I was running in a field wielding a sword and dicing off anyone’s head that came near me. It was dark outside, but it wasn’t night. The clouds were black, and the fog blurred my vision. I heard a scream and looked over to a Fae, only to see his head ripped from the neck. The creature that was killing him had large white wings and dark hair. When the creature noticed me, it turned to face me, and I saw the blood splattered all over its face creating a sheen of blood, only allowing me to see eyes of darkness.

The creature started to walk towards me, and my eyes widened when I saw the fangs that protruded from its mouth. I started to scream, and I felt hands grabbing me from behind.I heard a man yelling that it was okay. But the creature kept walking towards me. I searched the creature’s face for something I recognized and couldn’t find anything. I heard the man again. “Clara, wake up! It’s just a dream.”

When my eyes opened, I was in bed with strong arms wrapped around me. I was sweating, and the pajamas that once were dry were now completely soaked and clung to my body like a wet glove. “It’s okay, Clara. It was just a dream. Breathe.”

I heard Leo’s voice, and I felt his firm chest against my back as I took deep breaths to calm my heart rate. Slowly I started to calm down, and I felt Leo rubbing my arm to comfort me. I turned to face him, and his eyes were glowing a soft amber.

“I heard you starting to kick the sheets, and then you were screaming, but it was muffled. I didn’t want to scare you, but I wanted to make sure you were okay. I’m sorry for getting into your bed.”

I nodded at him, looked at his chest right before me, and placed my hands on him. I could feel his heart racing and the warmth of him. His chest was broad, his pecs were well-defined, and my eyes couldn’t look away.

“It’s okay. Um...Thank you... Never had that type of dream before.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

I didn’t want to deliberate this any longer, but maybe he could help me understand it better. The dream.

“It was so odd. It was like it was the future. We were in battle with these creatures, and one, in particular, saw me, and I watched it walk towards me with blood pouring from its mouth. It felt like a message. Thedreamitself. Like someone was trying to tell me something.”

He sighed as if he understood my frustration. “I know you’re a goddess, and my powers are far less than yours, but if I find out something, I’ll be sure to let you know.”

I smiled because I recalled my conversations with the fake Madok, and he never wanted to share my future. At least this one was honest with me and his power.

“Okay, I’ll return to my bed,” Leo said softly.

I felt his arms start to unravel from around me, and I grabbed his bicep, stopping his movement. His eyes looked into mine, and it took my breath away. I felt safe with him even though I knew I couldn’t show my power in its entirety, and I needed to establish trust with people here. I needed people on my side, especially him.

“Don’t go.Stay.” I begged. “Stay with me, please.”

He nodded and wrapped his arms back around me, pulling my head into his chest. I felt the low, raspy voice cover me. “I’ll stay. As long as you want me to.”

I smiled against his chest and stayed still, not wanting to escape his embrace. I peeked up at his face, and his eyes were closed. I couldn’t help but acknowledge how beautiful he was. I knew he wasn’t the Madok I once knew, but I felt the same about this man. I felt secure. I finally let my eyes rest, falling back into a comforting bliss.