“You’ll make the right choice. It can’t hurt to go for an interview and explore your options.”
That part was true.
“I just want you to be happy. Sometimes we have to rip off the Band-Aid, you know?”
Maybe getting away from him, a fresh start, would help. It had to be better than facing him every morning and spending ten or twelve hours together.
Determinedly she shoved thoughts of him to the back of her mind and asked about the wedding plans and how school was going.
“We don’t have to talk about me, sis. I’m also here to support you as well.”
“I’m tired of listening to the sound of my own voice in my head. And really, hearing about you makes me happy.”
“For real?” Loree asked.
“For real.”
As if she couldn’t contain her enthusiasm one more moment, Loree gushed, “My dress came in.”
“I need pictures!”
“I’ll send some after the fitting. It was a little big.”
That caught Kaylee off guard and concerned her. “Which means you’ve lost weight?”
She laughed.
“You’ve got to do a better job of taking care of yourself.”
“Says you!” Loree laughed. “Anyway, don’t worry. I think the candy will help me put some of it back on.”
They spent the next ten minutes talking about decorations for the venue and dozens of other details before the conversation drew to a close.
“I miss being home.” This time, Loree’s voice was thick with emotion.
“It’s going to be a strange year.” She glanced at the clock. “Anyway, I promised Mom I’d be there early to help out. Even though she’s always done most of it herself, she counted on Dad for a few things.”
“Pulling the giblets out of the turkey.”
“Eww.” She wrinkled her nose. “You’re going to be the doctor. Are you sure you can’t fly out and handle the icky part for us?”
“You’re on your own. We’re having a potluck with a bunch of other students. And I’m taking corn.”
Her sister was known for many things but not her gourmet cooking. “Please tell me it’s not from a can?”
“Joshua bought it in the frozen section.”
Small mercies.
“We were also asked to bring those sweet dinner rolls from the grocery store’s bakery section.”
“Warm them up. They taste better that way.”
“They’re fine out of the plastic wrapping!” Loree laughed. “With enough butter, anything tastes good.”
After they wished each other merry Christmas, Kaylee ended the call. Then she dumped out her cold, forgotten coffee and poured a fresh cup before starting to gather everything she needed to take to her mom’s house: presents for her siblings, the gift for her mom, and all the desserts.
Today was going to be hard on all levels, not just because of Frost, but because her family had lost the man who’d been their rock.