By the time he dropped her off at home, she had to rebuild the walls around her heart and remind herself she was doing this to go to her sister’s wedding.
Thankfully, in twenty-four hours, she could put this behind her and forget everything she’d shared with Frost.
The timer on the oven buzzed, shaking her from her reverie and dragging her back into reality.
After removing the cheesecake she was baking for tomorrow, she turned off the stove and hurried to her bedroom to finish dressing.
Three dresses lay on the bedspread. Even though she’d tried each of them on, she still didn’t know which to choose. She could have called Frost for his opinion before his arrival, but even the sound of his rich, masculine voice would send skitters of awareness through her. She needed to do everything she could to insulate herself from him, even if it would be short-lived.
Finally, aware of the minutes ticking away, she slipped into a form-fitting blue dress that was too fancy for work but wasn’t showy enough for a cocktail party.
It was a good compromise. She hoped.
At three twenty, well before she was ready, he rang the bell. Twice.
Pulling back her shoulders, she responded to his insistent summons.
As always, at the sight of him, her heart rate surged.
He stood there with his suit coat casually slung over one shoulder and a box in his other hand. “May I come in?”
“Uhm…I’m almost ready. Just give me a minute?”
“I can wait.”
Her boss clearly didn’t know how to accept a politeno.
Relenting, she stepped aside.
Without waiting for a second invitation, he closed the door behind him. “You look beautiful.”
She met his gaze, and heat smoldered in the depths of his blue eyes, making them smoky. Nervously, she smoothed the front of her skirt, reminding herself she was nothing more than a means to an end for him.
As if they’d been lovers forever, he placed a casual kiss on her forehead.
“This is for you.” He extended the beautifully wrapped silver box toward her.
“Me?” His gesture caught her completely off guard “You shouldn’t have.”
“I assure you; you deserve this and much more.”
As she accepted the present, a scowl replaced his smile. “You’re not wearing your ring?”
“I told you I wasn’t quite ready.” Her words were rushed together. “I was afraid of snagging my dress.” The excuse was the best she could come up with, and the skeptical tilt of his head proved he didn’t believe her. Truth was, she’d been putting off the moment as long as she could.
“Where is it?”
She inhaled. “My bedroom.”
“I’ll follow you.”
Once again, Frost allowed no argument.
With a small nod, she walked toward the back of the apartment, placing her gift on the kitchen counter as she passed.