“Are you kidding? I love it here.”
He narrowed his eyes. “Is this about the money?”
“Not at all. It’s the stuffy atmosphere I want to avoid. I mean, look at all the people.”
Many of whom were wearing ridiculous sweaters and exchanging gift bags and laughing raucously.
“They serve food, right? I want a pizza.”
Whatever the lady wanted, he’d make happen.
“Sooner rather than later to absorb some of that vodka.”
He laughed and flagged down their server, and Kaylee turned in her order.
“Anything for you, sir?”
He’d wanted a sirloin steak alongside a large salad. “Hamburger?”
“How would you like that cooked?”
That question pleased him. At least they all didn’t come off the grill the same way. “Medium rare.”
“Pepper jack.”
“Fries okay?”
He was going to ask for a healthier option, but Kaylee’s eyes lit up. And he’d take this side of her anytime. “Yes.”
“See?” she demanded when they were alone. “Isn’t this fun?”
He leaned toward her. “Fun would be having you all to myself in my dungeon.”
“I… Ah…”
No response?
As she looked away to pick up her glass once again, her hand shook.
Her earlier coldness had made him wonder if their sensual connection still existed. Now he knew. It did, even if she preferred to pretend otherwise.
Moments later, holding her cocktail, she sat back, once more in charge.
More revelers filed in, and the energy seemed to rival that of some Mardi Gras celebrations.
And because he worked all the time, he missed it all.
Their food arrived, and before trying her meal, she plucked a fry from his plate. He grinned. Only couples who were comfortable together did things like that. Progress?
By the time dinner was finished and his fries had vanished without him eating a single one, a couple of the larger parties had left the area, bringing down the noise level, and the notes from the up-tempo jazz music were once again audible.
“Another round of drinks?” their server asked as she cleared the plates away.
“For me.” He nodded, not willing to end the evening yet. “Kaylee?”
Frantically she shook her head. “That one was lethal. Maybe a sparkling water with lime?