Her respect for him, no matter how grudging, built. But she told herself she didn’t have to like him or his tactics to recognize their success. “You were starting to tell me why you told your grandmother we’re married.”
“My grandparents had a very solid relationship. Grandfather counted on Gran. She was his closest confidante, and he credited her with all his success. Despite what happened to my mom, Gran continues to believe in strong family ties. So she found a wife for me.”
“She did…what?”That sounded positively medieval.
“It took me a few months to figure out what she was up to. But every party or event I was invited to, Milena was there. We were seated next to each other at meals, and Gran took pains to ensure we were often left alone. Since I was clueless, Milena told me she expected a proposal this year. Evidently Gran told her that’s what I was planning.”
“So instead of telling your grandmother that you weren’t interested in marriage, you came up with a wife of your own.”
“At the time, it seemed expedient.”
“If not entirely honest.”
“If I hadn’t proposed to Milena, Gran would have found someone else. Since she wants to see me settled, she wouldn’t have given up.”
“Determination runs in your family.”
“It does. And I know what kind of partner I ultimately want.”
“Do you?” She leaned forward to pick up her cup and took a final drink.
“I learned my lesson with Greta. I won’t marry for convenience sake or allow anyone to find me a bride who is regarded as suitable.”
“I’m looking for a woman who is smart. Beautiful. Cares about others. Someone I have things in common with.”
“Such as?”
“An interest in business.” He waited for a moment. “BDSM.”
Her insides tangled into a knot. Though kink had never been a big part of any of her relationships, she too wanted that. Not just for the stress relief but for a sense of interconnection, one like she’d shared with him after their scene.
Too nervous to pick up the thread of his conversation, she once again asked about his grandmother. “Do you think she’ll believe we’re married?”
“She will hope we are.” He shrugged. “And there’s no doubt she’ll like you a lot. And since I’ve been known to make quick decisions—some she considers rash—it won’t be an impossibility. I’ll simply say that I couldn’t wait to have you. We went to a justice of the peace after work—which is where we met. We’re keeping it quiet until after I am no longer the CEO because fraternization is frowned upon.”
He’d thought of everything.
“Of course she’ll press for a big reception sometime in the future. Just say we’re talking about it, and I’ll deal with the fallout at a later date.”
She nodded.
“Which leaves only one detail to discuss.” He lowered his voice, and the timber was rich and sensual, sending a shiver rippling up her spine.
After standing, he moved in closer. “Consummating our marriage.”
The cup almost slipped from her suddenly nerveless fingers, and he took it from her.
“Go to bed with me, Kaylee.” Invitingly he extended his hand toward her. “I want to make you mine.”
Kaylee told herself she should shout, “No” and ask to be taken home. She shouldn’t consider his suggestion for even one second. Instead she remained where she was, looking up into his darkly enigmatic eyes, aching for a taste of the forbidden.
Since last night, she’d burned for him. Even the orgasm he’d given her at the club hadn’t been enough to keep her satisfied.