Page 101 of His Christmas Wife

“Certainly, Mrs. Frost-to-be. Anything for you.”


The future wasn’t only bright. It was interesting.

She curled up under a blanket and regarded the man next to her. That they were to be married was still a marvel. “You tore up my resignation letter.”

“I did.”

“You should know something.” She pressed her lips together and blew a breath through them.

“Go on.”

They had to be able to talk about hard things, right? “Sylvia called.”

His eyes blazed, and his knuckles whitened on the stem of his glass, but he said nothing.

After swallowing another sip, she looked at him. “She’s been offered a job and is hiring her management staff.”

“I see.” That damnable tic was back in his temple.

“I’m planning to join her.”

“Is your heart set on it?”

It had been. “More money, fewer hours. And more vacation time.”

“Sounds like a strategic move.”

One he hated, obviously.

He put down his glass and crossed one knee over the other. “Look, Kaylee, I want you to be happy. If that’s working for Sylvia”—he drummed his fingers on his thigh—“so be it.”

“Thank you.”


Of course he’d hedge what he said.

“You have all the options in the world. I know you want to go to school.”

“Something I can’t afford right now. Especially not with my existing student loan debt.”

“There’s money in a family education trust. It was meant for my siblings if I had any, which I didn’t. And I didn’t get a graduate degree. The interest on the funds is enough to pay for your education and that of any children that we may have.”


“You will not want for anything.”

She shook her head. “You still don’t get it? I don’t want your cash, just your love.”

“And you’ll have both. So whether it’s going to school, working for Sylvia…” He winced. “Joining the management team at my company, accepting a bigger role at Christoff, starting your own firm, or staying home and enjoying life or being a mom, I want you to do whatever brings you happiness.”

Her heart soared.

“As long as my ring is on your finger and the entire world knows you’re mine, we can discuss a timeline for the wedding, children, even a dog. We can sell this place and buy a house, or we can keep this place and buy something else as well. There’s no rush.”

He was promising everything she said she wanted that night at the Maison Sterling.