Oh my God.“Mom!”Could the floor open and swallow her whole?
“There’s a lot of that going around,” he responded wryly.
“Is there something you need?” Kaylee asked, anxious for him to go away.
He reached into his interior jacket pocket and pulled out a handful of shredded pieces of paper and allowed them to rain down on the table like confetti.
She frowned as she looked at him.
“I’m not accepting your resignation letter.”
“That’s—” She shook her head even as she brought her chin up. “You don’t have a choice.”
“Not without talking. I’ve torn this city apart looking for you.”
Had he? “Not here.” Looking around, afraid of causing a scene, she shook her head. “Not now.”
“Here,” he countered, “and now since you’ve dodged more than fifty calls, a dozen emails, and countless text messages.”
Too late, she recalled what he’d said about how he reacted when he encountered obstacles, telling her that he went around them, over, through…“Or demolish them.”
Whatever he had to say, nothing would dissuade him.
Once again, he reached into his pocket. Then he slapped an airline ticket down on the table.
“I don’t understand.”
He placed the box containing the tiara next to it.
“I… I…” Frantically she shook her head. “No. I cannot, will not accept that.”
“I saw Gran.”
Everyone at her table continued to watch them, eyes wide.
“She straightened me out.”
Kaylee was surprised anyone could.
“She told me I had to make some hard choices, and I have.”
Struggling to understand, she said nothing because she couldn’t think of anything to say.
“I’m going to start with the absolute truth and go from there.” He exhaled a shaky breath. “Kaylee, I…” Frost dragged his hand into his hair.“Fuck,”he whispered so that none of the kids could have overheard him, but she heard the weight of emotion in the laden word. “I love you.”
Her ears buzzed, and her mother grabbed her elbow hard.
“I love you, Kaylee Robbins, with my entire heart and soul.”
Then he lowered himself to one knee.
Around them, people fell silent and turned to face them. Nearby, Julie froze. A few people pulled out cameras, and others pointed to them.
Her heart racing, her mind struggling to comprehend, Kaylee formed her hands into fists, her fingernails carving into her palms.
But he seemed oblivious to anyone except her.
He reached into his pocket again and pulled out her ring.