All he could think about was Clarissa.

Ever since she had started to work for him, she had dominated his thoughts, but this was different and he couldn’t deny it. She messed with his head. She made it impossible for him to think or focus. And he didn’t like it.

That kiss had been amazing. She looked so perfect, beautiful, and he wanted her. Even this morning, looking at her, he had felt that stirring in his groin that refused to go away.

He didn’t want to ruin what they had. They had gotten into a great routine. He adored her company, and even though they didn’t talk much, it felt companionable to him. He refused to allow a kiss to mess with that.

After another ten minutes of tossing the ball, both dogs came to his feet and collapsed, panting for breath.

“You’re already turning into lazy dogs,” he said, laughing.

Putting the ball away, he went to his truck and opened the door. This time, he didn’t have to click his tongue, each dog jumped up and climbed onto the seat beside the driver’s one.

With them laid on the seat, he rounded the vehicle, climbed behind the wheel, and then turned over the ignition. He didn’t move.

Clarissa’s body played over his mind—how she looked as she sat waiting to talk to him. He’d not given her a chance to talk, instead, he’d taken the lead.

It’s better this way.

Pressing on the gas, he headed back toward the house, keeping an eye on the fields, looking for any problems. The last winter, a couple of trees had fallen and he had taken care of them. Sometimes winter brought so many problems with the damage from wind, rain, snow, and ice, but he always took care of it.

He arrived back at the house and the dogs walked into the kitchen, and like every other morning since they got them, food was waiting for them.

Clarissa was at the stove.

He saw she wore a pair of jeans and a sweater. She had an apron wrapped around her body, and the moment he stepped into the kitchen, she put the breakfast plate, full with food, on the table. Axe always had a big appetite, and the work he did required a lot of food.

Sitting at the table, he looked toward Clarissa, but she’d gone to the coffeepot, poured him a large mug, and placed it on the table for him.

“Where is your breakfast?” he asked.

“I already ate.”

The dogs finished eating and went straight to their beds.

He caught sight of the sink. The dishes were clean already, and there was her cleaning basket on the counter.

“Enjoy your breakfast, I’ll have lunch ready at the right time.” She nodded her head and before he had chance to ask any questions, she was on her feet and gone.

He sat at the breakfast table and for the first time in his life, he lost his appetite.

What the fuck?

Why was she not eating with him?

Maybe he was reading it wrong.

Running a hand down his face, he looked at his food and knew he wasn’t going to waste it. Picking up his knife and fork, he dove into the breakfast. His appetite soon returned.

He wouldn’t let anything change between him and Clarissa. They had a professional relationship and one kiss wasn’t going to ruin it. How could it?

He refused to think of anything bad happening between them.

Chapter Five

One Month Later

This had to be the worst frost of them all. Clarissa was sure to check all the windows to keep the cold out. She moved from room to room and made sure all of them were secured. They hadn’t even entered winter but the fall was turning out to be a particularly cold one.