
She decided to split the large mug between them. With the milk steaming, she turned the heat off, and poured it into each mug.

Axe had already taken a seat at the table. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and the pants he wore hung off his hips.

“Are you not cold?” she asked.


She was already feeling the cold and wishing she’d put her slippers on. Her feet were freezing, as were her hands. Wrapping her fingers around the mug, she quickly pulled them back and then wrapped them around the mug again, tentatively touching it. She did this multiple times, trying not to show him she was cold.

Axe tutted. “You’re freezing.”

“I’m fine.”

He pushed his chair out, and tapped his leg. “Put it up.”

Clarissa frowned but then she gasped as he reached down, grabbed her ankle, and placed it on his lap. She let out a little squeak, but then he began to rub her foot. His hands were lovely and warm. Even his thigh was warm. Why was he so warm, while she was so cold?

Nibbling her lip, she couldn’t help but watch him. How masterly he worked her foot. He gave a tut, and then urged her to put her other foot up, which she didn’t mind. She had seen what he could do with his hands, and they were a temptation. With both of her feet in his lap, he worked the muscles and she gritted her teeth, trying not to vocally groan, but it was next to impossible. All she wanted to do was moan.

Licking her lips, she chanced a look at Axe, and he wasn’t staring at her feet, but looking at her. She pressed her lips together, feeling her cheeks heat. Clarissa didn’t have a clue how she was able to get aroused while he was playing with her feet. It was insane.

“You have magical hands,” she said, feeling breathless.


Clarissa had soft, cold feet, and all he wanted to do was warm her up. The warm vanilla milk was forgotten as he paid more attention to her.

He worked from her feet, up to her ankles, and then teased a little further. She wore overly large pajamas and it was so easy to tease up her leg, massaging her calf, and then going further up until he teased her thigh, but then he stopped. Pulling his hand out of her pajamas, he got to his feet and Clarissa did the same. Clarissa was in front of the table, trapped between it and him. Her head was tilted back and those plump lips were far too tempting to deny.

Even though he was shouting the warnings through his head, he couldn’t bring himself to listen to them, and before he knew what was happening, he’d sunk his fingers into her hair, gripping the back of her head. She looked so beautiful and the little gasp she let out was so tempting. He’d tried to control his arousal, but nothing was working. His cock had gone from flaccid to hard within seconds.

Staring into her eyes, he couldn’t look away. He was going to kiss her. There was no warning as he slammed his lips against hers.

Clarissa’s hands went to his stomach, and then began to slowly travel up his body, wrapping around his neck, and then holding onto him.

He kissed that full mouth, and as he slid his tongue across her lips, she opened up and he plunged inside, meeting his tongue with hers, deepening the kiss. Letting go of her hair, he slid a hand down her back, curving over her waist, across her hip, then moving around to grab her ass. That full, inviting, tempting ass that he needed so badly. He tightened his grip on her. She whimpered and he growled against her lips.

How was he supposed to be strong and deny himself this pleasure?

He lifted her up and placed her on the edge of the table, and the harsh reality of what they were doing came to him. The mugs of vanilla had spilled to the floor. The cups had broken.

Clarissa was his employee. He shouldn’t be kissing her. Breaking the kiss, he stepped back from her. Clarissa’s lips were red and swollen as she looked at him.


“Go to bed.”


“Now. I’ll deal with this mess. Go to bed.” He only had so much strength against temptation.

Clarissa was his wet fucking dream and all he wanted was to be with her, to fuck her, to take her.

She didn’t move and he bent down, picking up the cups. He didn’t want to fire her, because he wanted her that badly. After several seconds, she didn’t argue, and he watched her as she left. She stepped away from the broken cups.

Axe picked up the mess and cleaned away the sweet vanilla milk. Once that was done, he was wide awake. He needed to clear his mind, so he unlocked the back door and stepped out into the cold night. It always amazed him how quickly the weather changed. He looked up into the clear, starry night sky.