Clarissa’s heart raced as she looked at Axe. They were in his bedroom, the door was closed, but she wasn’t nervous in a bad way.
Heat flooded between her thighs, and need filled her body. Her tits ached and her nipples were rock-hard, and it wasn’t because there was any cold in the air. This was all because of Axe.
He stared at her, and then she felt her mouth go dry as he reached for the buttons of his shirt. One by one, he eased them open, and she waited as he peeled it off his body. With the shirt on the floor, he wore a plain white one underneath, and after that, he went for his vest, and he stood before her naked from the waist up. Not a single mark or ink on his body.
Clarissa reached for her sweater, and then without waiting for his instruction, she lifted it over her head, tossing it to the floor.
“With the right man, you’ll know what you want, and you’ll know what to do.”
Pushing her mother’s words out of her mind, she drew her attention to Axe.
With her sweater and shirt on the floor, Axe closed the distance between them. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. His head rested against hers, as he slid his fingers up her body and flicked the catch of her bra. He pulled it down her arms, and then his hands were on her breasts.
She gasped as his fingers slid across her tightened nipples. He pushed them together, and she heard him groan. Her eyes had closed at the pleasure that consumed her.
“Do you have any idea how often I have thought of these tits?” he asked.
She shook her head.
“So fucking much.”
“I didn’t know you thought about … me.”
“Clarissa, I have thought about you a lot.” He stopped and released a moan. It was deep, guttural, and made her body ache for what he could do. “Even before that kiss.”
This did surprise her.
“Before the kiss?” she asked.
“Yeah, before the kiss. Why do you think I wanted to hire you? I’ve seen you for a long time, Clarissa.”
She had no idea. All thought fled her mind as he took possession of her lips.
Clarissa had noticed Axe many times. Several of those had been with her mother.
“He is a hottie, sweetie.”
“Mom, stop.”
“What? Forgive a woman, even an old one like me, for seeing him,” her mother had growled. “Why don’t you go and talk to him?”
“He doesn’t talk to anyone. You know what he’s like.”
“Yeah, he’s waiting for the right woman, all right. You never know, baby girl, he might already have spotted her.”
She had seen him so many times, walking around town, and each time she saw him, she’d taken a few moments to gather her bearings. Sometimes, people in town would ask if she was all right. She would always pretend she was fine. They assumed it was because of what was happening, but it had nothing to do with her mother. It was all about the man himself.
Staring into his blue eyes, she cupped his face and pressed her body against his. She wasn’t going to allow nerves to stop her.
Clarissa slid her hands down his body, going toward the catch of his jeans. She flicked the button open, then moved the zipper down.
He pushed her hand out of the way and shoved his pants down his hips, then onto the floor. Kicking them aside, he stepped out of them.
Clarissa started unbuttoning her jeans, but Axe moved her hand out of the way. She was shocked as he crouched down, and his face was next to her stomach. Her mouth suddenly went dry as she watched him.
He pulled her jeans down her thighs, and she had no choice but to put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. One foot after the other, he worked them off her body, and then he moved her toward the edge of the bed, forcing her, until she had no choice but to sit down. She let out a little yelp, but then chuckled, which soon turned into a moan as he grabbed her panties and started to pull them down her body.
She was now completely naked.