She wrapped her arms around her body and made her way downstairs to find her casserole already bubbling on the stove. Turning the heat off, she lifted it into the oven and allowed it to cook long and slow.
The kitchen was one of the warmest rooms in the house. Since it was so cold, Axe had refused to take the pups out to the fields. They didn’t want the dogs to catch any illnesses. They also didn’t want to leave the house, other than to do their business outside.
She glanced over toward them and saw them bundled up on their sleeping bags. Walking over to them, she lifted their blankets back over them, and she saw them snuggle under. They were so adorable.
Glancing toward the clock, she saw it was only an hour before Axe was due for his lunch. There was always so much work to do, and it was rare for him to take any time off. She walked to the kitchen.
The past month had been … hard. She had to find multiple excuses not to sit with him. She made sure to be busy. Like this lunchtime, she intended to tell him she had the living room to clean. The housework was now saved for when he arrived. At dinnertime, she made the excuse she had eaten. She hadn’t always eaten, and she hated lying, but she’d sneak a sandwich so she didn’t have to spend time with him.
When he was around, she avoided eye contact with him.
The memory of that kiss was the most unfair of all.
She hated it.
Her dreams were filled with the feel of his lips against hers.
It was cruel.
Her first and only kiss was also the worst one of her life. Stepping up to the fridge, she opened it and pulled out the chicken breast she’d defrosted.
From their last day at the supermarket, she’d spent a great deal of time preparing the food they had purchased, especially the meat. Several of the chickens were already seasoned. Axe liked a lot of flavor and spice with his food. This one was seasoned with some of the Mexican spice blends she’d read online. Firing up the indoor grill, she placed the chicken breast across, listening to the sizzle.
She washed her hands, cleaned up her zone, and then went back to the fridge to grab the lettuce and tomatoes, along with the mayo and chili sauce.
Closing the fridge, she walked toward the bread tin and opened it up, finding one of the rolls she made the previous day. She sliced it open, spread butter on it, and placed that on the grill as well to heat it up. She made sure it wasn’t anywhere near the chicken, which was nearly cooked on one side. Grabbing a pair of tongs, she flipped the chicken onto the other side, then got to work on the sauce. Mayo and chili sauce, with a dash of lemon, some salt and pepper, to which she gave a taste, and nodded her head.
Two sandwiches were assembled as Axe walked through the door. Sometimes, he picked up his food and asked her to wrap it so he could go out to work. Today was not one of those days.
He sat down and she put the plate of hearty sandwiches in front of him, turning away from him to do her own business.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“I’ve got to go and clean,” she said. “I’ve been making the casserole all morning, and I haven’t gotten around to it.” She went to leave, but he reached out and grabbed her hand.
“Sir, just enjoy your lunch.”
“You’re the boss, aren’t you?” she asked, but she wasn’t looking at him. Instead, she gritted her teeth and tried not to think of how painful it was for her. Disappointment filled her at what was happening between them.
“Clarissa, sit.”
“Don’t you want to enjoy your lunch?”
“Sit your ass down, don’t make me force you.”
She wanted to stick her tongue out, to glare at him, to stamp her foot, but instead, she took a deep breath and then sat down on the seat opposite him.
Axe looked at her and then at the sandwiches. “What did you eat for lunch?” he asked.
“A sandwich.”
She opened her mouth and closed it.