Chapter One

Clarissa West looked out of the kitchen window and there was no way she could move on. Not for at least a minute. Once again, her boss was close to the house, manning the main backyard. He was without a shirt, but there was the heat that often came at the end of summer.

When she had asked about this job in town, a lot of men and women had been hesitant. Axe Strong was not well-liked. He didn’t take crap from anyone, and he wasn’t exactly open about things. She struggled to read him.

The advertisement had been clear. He wanted a woman to take care of his home, to cook, clean, and in essence be like a housekeeper and nanny to him. There were no children, no wife, no one. He had a few ranch hands who came and helped him, but they never came to the house.

She didn’t think she was going to get the job, as she had struggled to get any job. Most of the time, she had to beg for a chance, but this time, no begging, she just showed up, and Axe’s only request was that she clean a room and cook him dinner. That was all he asked her to do, and then he got up and left. Just like that.

She had his home to herself the whole day, but she didn’t go snooping. Privacy was important and she respected people’s right to have it, so she gave him that.

For five hours, she cleaned his sitting room, dusting, wiping, polishing, vacuuming, and making sure there was not a speck of dirt to be seen.

After she was happy with her work, she went to his fridge and nearly had a heart attack. She spent so much time cleaning that she’d not checked his food supply. She assumed he had a fully-stocked fridge, but he only had the bare minimum, and she had to come up with a meal. He had a single chicken breast, a few cans of sauce, and something that looked like cheese. There wasn’t a lot to use, but she rolled up her sleeves, remembered all her mother had taught her, and got down to business.

She had ground up that chicken breast since he did have most of the kitchen tools needed. She seasoned it, and got to work on a sauce. For dinner, Axe enjoyed chicken meatballs with a heavily seasoned tomato cream sauce, and some pasta. She also made sure to turn the leftover bread into garlic cheese bread.

Clarissa had always loved to cook. She loved the years spent with her mother, cooking at the stove. Even when her mother got sick, they spent many hours cooking and baking together. Cutting those memories off, she tried to look away from the heavenly sight of the man in front of her, but her mouth literally watered. This was insane.

She had never been so enamored with a man in her life. She’d never wanted to be with a man at all. So, even though she was twenty-five, she was still very much a virgin.

A virgin.

Never touched by a man.

Not even shared a kiss.

When her mother was alive, she’d ask her if that made her a bit weird, but her mother always assured her it did not and that the right man would come along.

Her father had passed away when she was young, so it had been her and her mother for most of her life. Her mother had dated, but no man could ever compare to her father, and she’d often say that she wouldn’t settle.“The right man is out there, baby girl. You just have to wait and he’ll come. I promise.”

Clarissa hadn’t been interested in the boys at school, or any of the guys who wanted to take her on dates. No one got her juices stirring, not like Axe.

It was unnerving how attracted she was to her boss. Having sex with him should be the last thing on her mind, but late at night, when she was sure she could hear his guttural moans, she couldn’t help but touch herself. She’d been working for him for six months now, and she’d been bringing herself to orgasm with visions of him.

Nibbling her bottom lip, she glanced down the length of his body and couldn’t help but wonder what he was hiding beneath those jeans.

Axe didn’t dress to impress. She had no choice but to repair most of the clothes he had. When she suggested he get something new, he’d grunt about the waste of expense. She never pushed, seeing as he was the boss, and she was just his employee.

Her heart began to race as he suddenly looked up and glanced over in her direction. For a split-second, she had no idea what to do. She’d been peeling potatoes, but those were currently sitting in the water, waiting to be peeled.

Axe didn’t look away. Why did this man bother her more than anyone else? It made no sense to her. She felt her cheeks start to rise, and she was pleased she wore a padded bra, because he’d be able to detect the points of her nipples. Stupid body. Stupid hormones.

She shouldn’t be so affected by him.

He lifted his arm and wiped it across his brow, removing the sweat that had clearly gathered there. Such a tempting brow. Such a tempting man.

He made her ache.

This was insane. She shouldn’t be thinking about him in a sexual way.

Get a grip on yourself. This is the best job you’ve ever had, and you’re not going to spoil it now.

Clarissa would give herself the freedom to drool about him in the privacy of her bedroom, but certainly not now. Not when she was supposed to be cooking for him.


Hiring Clarissa West was a big mistake.