Page 41 of The Moral Dilemma

“You’re driving me crazy,” he rasped.

His hands went slowly down her body. It was as if he was careful to not cross her boundaries, giving her time to refuse his touch.

Even if she wanted to, she could never say no. Not when she’d dreamed about him touching her like that for years.

“Yes,” she said encouragingly, taking his hands and laying them on her naked skin under her shirt, urging him to touch her.

He spread his palms across her waist, slowly going up until his thumb skimmed the underside of her breast.

The breath caught in her throat as her nipples grew hard, chafing against the harsh material and begging for his touch.

Yet he didn’t advance.

His hands stilled, his fingers rubbing soothing motions all over her skin.

“You’ve been hurt,” he stated, drawing back and resting his forehead against hers.

“It’s just old scars,” she mumbled self-consciously. For a moment, she’d forgotten they were there.

His fingers skimmed the lacerations across her lower back.

“What happened, Lucero?” he asked, his voice soft.

She swallowed hard against the wave of discomfort that hit her. At least he couldn’t see her. She supposed that was a small mercy, for her entire body was riddled with one scar after another.

“Let’s just say that I learned the hard way how bad the world can be,” she answered, trying to sound nonchalant. “It’s why I appreciate you so much, Raf. You’re different from anyone I’ve ever met—different fromanyman,” she emphasized, wanting him to know that although she thought the world hopeless, she thought him hope incarnate.

He released a deep breath as he peppered kisses all over her face.

“I might not be so different after all,” he whispered, a barely audible sound.


“If I’d been stronger… If I hadn’t betrayed my brother…”

“Don’t,” she shook her head. “Don’t resume your entire existence to one mistake. You were a child then and you are a man now. And the man that you are is strong beyond belief. He’s also kind, compassionate and selfless. How can you not see yourself as such is beyond me.”

“I wish I could see myself through your eyes,” he sighed. “But I am not the man you think I am, Lucero. Even now…” he trailed off.

“Even now?” she repeated, frowning.

“Even now, I desire you when I know I shouldn’t,” he confessed. “We’re in the worst circumstances possible, and I’m still bruised from head to toe, yet I cannot stop myself from desiring you.”

Just as Noelle scrunched up her nose in confusion—hadn’t he been kissing her until now, thus acting on that desire?—he brought her closer to him. So close she could feel the unmistakable hardness poking through the light linen pants he was wearing.

Her cheeks heated up just as her core contracted with a desire to feel him closer, skin-to-skin…

“I’m a brute,” he interrupted her thoughts in a ragged voice. “Here I am, barely able to move from pain, but I can’t stop myself from…” he groaned as he wrenched himself from her.

“Raf… You don’t have to be ashamed. It’s a normal reaction,” she stammered.

She might have imagined sleeping with him countless times, but she found herself oddly shy when faced with the real-life prospect.

Was she ready for that? She didn’t know…

“It’s not normal,” he said gruffly. “I haven’t even taken you out for a date.”

“A date?” Her eyes widened.