When she’d come down to help him, she’d never in a million years imagined they would end up in such an intimate embrace—that she could feel his skin on top of hers, his lips mating with hers.
Joy suffused her entire being at realizing he felt the same attraction to her that she did, and he didn’t even know what she looked like.
Fate.This is fate—ourfate. She couldn’t describe it otherwise when she’d felt more at home for two-seconds in his arms than in her entire life. And when she’d tasted his lips… his blood… She felt herself getting drunk on the euphoria of the moment, because this confirmed what she’d always known.
They were meant to be together.
Today, tomorrow, and every day that followed. They would be together.
And by God, those men who’d dared to lay a hand against him would suffer tenfold what he did.
Everyone who had a hand in what happened to him will get their due.
“I’ll do better. I’ll be your avenging angel,” she whispered to herself.
The following day,Lucero came back with food and more painkillers.
“How is it that you can walk in here so freely?” Raf asked, listening to the sounds of her movements.
She was placing the items she’d brought with her on the ground, and he was surprised to realize she’d brought a great deal more than yesterday.
His eyelids had swollen more than before, and it hurt to even blink.
“I have an understanding with them,” she replied quietly, already set to work.
“An understanding?” He frowned, before it dawned on him that the guards could only want one thing from a woman. “Please tell me it’s not what I’m thinking,” he blurted out, reaching for her hand.
“If you’re asking whether I am trading sexual favors for this, the answer is no, Raf,” she answered in a steady voice. He breathed out in relief when he didn’t detect any deceit.
Where his sight was missing, his other senses had become sharper. He supposed this was also a side effect of his synesthesia, as sounds translated into tastes and flashes of color.
“I didn’t mean to imply…” he trailed off, embarrassed he’d offended her.
“I know. Just like I know you would have likely done something about it if that were true and you would have gotten into even more trouble.”
“Of course,” he grumbled—too readily.
“I’m merely trading secrets so you don’t have to worry about it, Raf. No one is taking advantage of me.”
“I’m glad to hear that. I wish that I could be out there to protect you, but instead… Funny how the roles are reversed, isn’t it?”
“I appreciate the sentiment,” she chuckled. “But I’m quite happy about being the one to protectyouat the moment. In fact, I have a surprise for you.”
“A surprise?”
“I brought some warm water and soap to help you wash.”
“Lucero… Why are you so nice to me?”
“Nice…” she repeated in a dry tone. “I reckon only you would call me nice,” she mumbled, more to herself. But when she realized he was waiting for an answer, she quickly gave him one.
“It’s because if there’s anyone out there who deserves it, it’s you, Raf. I told you. I’ve been watching you and I know exactly what type of man you are. At the same time, I can also see that you don’t have much of a self-preservation instinct, do you? Always jumping to save others instead of yourself,” she paused. “Why do you do this?”
He flinched back as if struck at her question—so naked, so revealing. Could he answer it? Could he tell her the truth?
“Because I didn’t save the person I was supposed to,” he confessed in a thick voice, surprised at his own willingness to open that chapter from his past.