“Always,” she whispered into his hair.
They stayed like that for what seemed like forever, though in reality it wasn’t more than a few seconds. Yet the warmth of the embrace lingered in the air.
Lucero finished patching up his wound before they were ready to head out.
Rafaelo rose to his feet, getting his bearings together before he pulled the passed-out man to his feet, shouldering his weight as he followed Lucero out of the tunnel.
“This way,” she said, her hand reaching out and grasping his. “Hold my hand so we don’t get lost.”
“Okay.” He nodded, squeezing her hand lightly and letting her lead the way.
It took them at least an hour to make it to the back of the temple, since the injured man proved to be quite a challenge to move around.
Yet as Noelle realized that they were nearing the small hole she’d made, she knew he was going to recognize her and his regard for her would automatically turn into hate.
“If you go to the end of this tunnel, you’ll find a small hole in the wall. Use that to go out.”
“What about you?” Raf suddenly stopped, his voice gruff.
“There is still something I must do here. You need to go out and get help for your friend.”
“I’m not going without you,” he said resolutely.
Her eyes widened in alarm.
“You must,” she insisted, coming closer to his side and reaching out for him.
She just couldn’t keep her hands to herself. From the moment she’d first touched him until now, she simply couldn’t stop this greediness taking shape inside of her.
“I won’t leave you alone, Lucero. It’s too dangerous in here. If one gallery collapsed, who knows when the others will, too.”
“Please trust me. I know what I’m doing. Your friend needs medical attention, so you need to leave.”
She hated hearing her friend’s name on his lips, but she could not let him know what her identity was—not yet.
All in due time.
When they were both free from the hacienda, she would confess everything and would tell him who she was,whyshe’d done everything.
But until then… She must keep everything a secret.
“Please, Raf,” she urged him. “Think of your friend.”
She knew him well enough to anticipate that he would balk at being reminded of his friend’s state.
He paused for a moment before he sighed out loud.
“Fine. Butpleasebe careful.”
“I will. I know my way around here,” she lied.
“And promise me something,” he started, clearing his throat as if he were uncomfortable.
“What?” She frowned.
“Promise me we’ll meet again outside.”