“That’s a good idea. You haven’t left the hacienda since he came here. It might help.”
“I hate leaving him here, though,” she sighed. “You’ll look over him for me?”
“You know I will,” Lucero assured her.
Though Noelle was still not convinced leaving was the best thing to do—she desperately wanted to be as close as possible to her Blue despite being unable to be by his side—she reasoned that it was necessary to throw Sergio off.
They finished eating and Noelle packed a small suitcase for her trip. This time, the auction was to be held in Belize, and she had an early flight in the morning.
Trying to not worry too much, she decided to focus on her business.
The day of the auction, she chose a man with a similar build to Rafaelo, thinking it would merely signal to Sergio that she might have a type.
Once the transaction was completed, Noelle was set to return to the hacienda. Unfortunately, though, her scheduled flight was canceled and she had to wait another day in Belize before she could fly back.
She kept in contact with Lucero though, getting updates about Rafaelo.
She learned he was back working in the temple galleries, building the tunnels and helping carve the artwork into the walls. Lucero told her his bruises looked better and that he was well on the mend. More than anything, she assured Noelle that she’d managed to increase the rations for all of the slaves, so that they got more water and a little more food than usual.
Since they didn’t want to show preference to Rafaelo, Lucero had thought that targeting everyone was the best avenue.
Noelle couldn’t agree more.
She was proud of her friend’s quick thinking and the fact that she’d been able to convince the guards to offer them more rations.
Yet the more she was away from Rafaelo, the more her anxiety increased. It was to the point that she couldn’t sleep the night before her new flight was scheduled to depart. She was a ball of nerves as she kept thinking that something might happen to Rafaelo—that Sergio would take advantage of her absence and strike.
The next morning, as she was about to board the plane, she called Lucero again—just in case.
“Nothing happened. I swear, you’ll go insane at this rate. He’s fine. And as long as you keep your distance, he’ll be even better,” Lucero told her in that serious tone of hers.
Of course, Noelle knew deep down that she was right. But no matter how much she tried to rationalize her actions, she always came back to him—her Blue.
To say she was becoming obsessed was putting it mildly. She’d already been obsessed from the beginning. And after years of dreaming about him, having him so close, but unable to act on her feelings was pure torture.
“Discipline, Noelle,” she muttered to herself as she leaned back against the leather seat of the plane. She took a few calming breaths as she focused on the bigger picture—on the future that would be theirs once she managed to get him out of there.
Then, and only then, would she be able to put her plan into action, of getting rid of Sergio, so that she would be a free woman once more.
Yet the issue with her husband was that he was so unpredictable. Just as he’d threatened, Noelle was sure he had plenty of contingency plans in place that ensured that even if she did manage to kill him, she wouldn’t get out of the hacienda alive either.
The goal was for her to reunite with her Blue and live happily ever after. It wasn’t to die foolishly because she’d let her temper lead her actions.
As the plane touched down close to the hacienda, Noelle’s resolve strengthened. She would not put Blue in danger, no matter what the situation.
Yet as her car pulled right in front of the hacienda, it was to find everyone scrambling about in horror.
“Que paso?” she asked one of the servants as she entered the house.
“Una desgracia, señora,” the woman said, proceeding to detail her very nightmare come to life.
The temple Blue was working at… One of the galleries had collapsed, blocking the entrance.
Her eyes widened in fear as she dashed to her apartment, calling out Lucero’s name.
“Tell me he’s fine,” she said the moment she spotted her friend. “Please tell me he’s alright.”
Lucero pursed her lips, not answering.