“I think I’m good.” I nod at him.
We spend a little more time nosing around the locker rooms, curious about the identity of the men we’d killed. Although there are a few personal items here and there, it’s not enough to get a clear picture of who sent them. They all come from different backgrounds and have seemingly nothing in common.
Raf fishes out a basketball from one of the lockers, and while he’s studying it, I surprise him by slapping it out of his hands.
His eyes go wide for a moment before he gives chase.
“So you want to play rough, huh?” He raises a brow at me.
“Depends on what you’ve got,” I challenge.
Of course, while I might be fast because I’m smaller, I’m no match for Raf, who catches me in a matter of seconds, stealing the ball from me.
“You’re not playing fair.” I pout when he holds it above his head.
I jump once. Twice. But it’s in vain. No matter how high I jump, I’ll never reach his height.
He baits me by lowering it to my level before snatching it back up. He does this a couple of times, and as I recognize his pattern, I wait until I know he’s about to lower it before I jump as high as I can with my fist raised.
I manage to punch the ball out of his hand, although it turns out to be quite painful, especially considering my injured wrist.
“Auch,” I whimper in a low voice, though it’s enough for Raf to become alarmed. His expression switches in the blink of an eye. The playfulness from before is all but gone as he grabs both my arms to inspect my injuries.
“I need to dress these up again,” he notes pensively. “The bandages are wet.”
“It’s fine,” I try to tell him, but he doesn’t listen to a word I say as he takes me to a bench, bringing the first aid kit with him and working on patching my injuries again.
He’s so focused on what he’s doing that it takes him a moment to hear the noises from the other room.
My eyes grow wide in alarm.
“Shh,” he whispers, immediately reaching for a gun.
I do the same, trailing behind him, ready to shoot the newcomers.
Yet just as we round the corner, we come across the most unexpected pair.
“What the hell areyoudoing here?” Raf demands.
My mouth is hanging open in shock.
“This is quite… the welcome,” my brother smiles as he scans the dead bodies.
Yuyu is behind him, dressed all in black.
“How did you find us?” I frown.
“By following the trail of bodies you left behind,” Cisco says, getting a handkerchief from his pocket and wiping a drop of blood from his shoe.
I roll my eyes. Typical Cisco.
“We intercepted your SOS signal and we found the site of the plane crash,” Yuyu interjects, giving Cisco a look that sayslet me do the talking.
He inclines his head at her, a smile playing at his lips.
“When we arrived there, you were already gone, and we found the bodies of the six men.”
“And you just happened to come across this place?” Raf asks, sharing my skepticism.