Page 152 of The Moral Dilemma

“If it comes down to me and the baby… Choose him.”

I blink, surprised at her request.


“Please promise me. Promise me you’ll save him and take care of him.”

“I won’t let you die.” I shake my head.

How could she even ask that of me? She’s my dearest friend. Of course I’ll do anything in my power to make sure both her and the baby survive. I know we don’t have too many things going for us, from a lack of medical staff, to a lack of basic supplies. But even so, we have our determination.

“Sometimes things just happen.” She gives me a sad smile. “I’m starting to make peace with my past and everything that I’ve done—everything that’s led me here. I’ve been ready for death for a long time, Lulu. But as long as my baby lives, then I can go in peace.”

“Please don’t say that,” I take her hand in mine, squeezing it tightly. “I couldn’t bear if anything happened to you.”

“Promise me,” Noelle croaks “Please.”

She looks so desolate, so hopeless, that I can’t bring myself to deny her that promise.

“I promise you,” I whisper.

Noelle smiles, but the pain on her face is evident.

“I’ve never told you before, but I love you like my sister. I’m so lucky to have been able to meet you, Lulu. I want you to know that,” she murmurs, tears glistening in her eyes.

My own tears start falling down my cheeks.God, please help her. Please keep her safe!I can’t imagine a world without her—not after everything we’ve been through together. She’s been the sister I’ve never had, the best friend I could ever hope for, and the unlikeliest of saviors. I may not have always agreed with her choices, but I know I could always count on her loyalty, just as she could on mine.

“I love you, too, and I won’t let you die. I won’t,” I promise her.

She gives me a small nod, more sweat accumulating on her forehead. She’s in pain. Damn it!

I do my best to help her get into a comfortable position, but my wound makes it hard to move around too much. In the end, I decide that even if I tear the stitches, I can bear the pain in silence as long as she makes it out alive—both her and the baby. After all, what’s a little pain? I’m used to that, and I won’t die from it. Noelle, on the other hand, is in a very precarious position.

It’s not long before her contractions start and I move between her open legs to monitor the situation. When I tell her to push, Noelle pushes.

“Breathe,” I instruct her.

“It hurts,” she whimpers.

“I know, but he’s almost here. You’re a fighter, Noelle. So do what you do best—fight!” I encourage her. I can see the head of the baby. It’s right there. Just a little more.

“Come on! Push,” I tell her, looking up to see her straining, her face red from the effort.

God, she looks on the verge of passing out.

“Just a bit more. You can do it, Noelle!” I continue to encourage her—anything to keep her going.

Noelle shakes her head, mumbling some words.

“One more push. Come on,” I urge her “You can do it.”

Just when I think that she’s going to give up, she pushes one last time. The baby comes out into my waiting hands, showcasing his powerful lungs from the start.

I watch in wonder as the baby cries sharply, and for a moment, I can only stare at this little miracle. Tears stab at my eyes as I take a towel to clean him and a pair of scissors to cut the umbilical cord.

Except… It’s not ahim.

I blink, surprised.