Page 126 of The Moral Dilemma

Two loves. Two great loves.

But now… Now she had no one. And soon, she would be no one too.

She only hoped that her Raf was safe and sound, and that perhaps at some point in his life he’d remember her and the love she’d had for him.

That was her only hope.

Smiling sadly, she took a step forward.

“Wait for me, my love,” she whispered to her child. “Mommy’s coming home.”

The smoke from the fire clogged her airways, already making her reel. But she wasn’t deterred.

Just a little bit more.

The heat caressed her skin, and in the distance, she thought she heard his voice.


No! At least in death she wanted to hear him call her name.

She closed her eyes and took another step. She thought she heard the sound of a baby crying. There, she was getting closer, already envisioning what her afterlife with her baby would look like.

But just as she became comfortable with the idea of dying—just as her body felt the strength of the flames, she was pulled back by a startling force.

She barely had time to react as she found herself on her back, the grass cushioning her fall. Still, her bones rattled, her poor body close to its limit.

“What did you do?” a familiar voice demanded.

Noelle’s eyes snapped open, and she was greeted by the most beautiful sight she’d ever seen.

He was there. He was…

“What the hell did you do?” he screamed louder, his hands closing in on her neck, and slowly squeezing the life out of her.

If at first Noelle would have thought he was the product of her imagination, it quickly became clear that he was very much real. He was right there, in front of her and he… He thought her the enemy.

She blinked, opening her mouth to speak, but finding herself unable to say anything.

She whizzed as he increased his hold on her neck, and finally, panic settled into her features.

He didn’t know that she was hisLucero. He believed her to be the one who’d tortured and abused Lucero. And now he was…

Raf, please! she screamed inside her mind, but the sound wouldn’t come out.

His eyes were glazed and full of insanity as he continued to choke her.

Yet just as she thought she couldn’t hold on any longer, a succession of shots rang out before his brown shirt was stained with red—blood that trickled down onto her face.

Her eyes widened for a moment, and as he fell limply on top of her, she found herself trapped in her worst nightmare.

No! No! Noooooo!

At that moment, maybe her body was still alive. But her mind was not.

On her face lingered the blood of both of her greatest loves. And in her heart was etched the pain of losing both.

At that moment, Noelle ceased to exist.