Page 119 of The Moral Dilemma


The first thingNoelle was aware of as she came around was pain. So much pain. Her entire body ached, but it was no match to the pain radiating from between her legs. She could feel the blood trickle out of her vagina and she instinctively clenched her muscles, which resulted in even more pain.

Her eyes sluggishly opened, her mouth parched as she looked around in disorientation.

“Lulu?” she asked, her voice raw and rough.

She’d strained herself and screamed so much that she could barely speak anymore.

Slowly, the events from before flooded her mind.

She’d been in labor for hours on end, and it had been a strenuous process as she’d tried her best to push the baby into the world. She remembered hearing the sweet sound of his voice as he’d cried for the first time before she’d finally allowed herself to sink into oblivion.

How much time had passed since then? She didn’t know how long she’d been out of it. She only knew that she wanted to see her baby, hold him in her arms and feel his warmth for the first time.

“Lulu? Where are you?” she called out again.

Lucero didn’t answer, and Noelle couldn’t see her around.

She frowned, but she wasn’t worried yet. Knowing Lucero, she was probably looking for food for the baby.

Slowly, she raised herself on her arms, her breathing labored at that small movement. She could see her navy blue dress was stained with blood, as were the sheets under her.

At first, her heart seized in her chest, thinking something was wrong with her. But she soon perished that thought. She was still alive, wasn’t she? There was nothing to worry about. Giving birth was often messy. It happened.

Quietly convincing herself that everything was normal, she tried to swing her legs off of the bed to go to the bathroom. It took some effort, but she managed to get there.

It was extremely painful to relieve herself, and as she cleaned up, she noticed more blood coming out. Instead of panicking, she discarded her dress and washed the best she could before putting on a fresh gown. Since she was still bleeding, she put on a pad.

Feeling a little bit better about herself, she wobbled back into her room, surprised to see another girl changing her sheets.

“Where is Lucero?” Noelle asked, not liking the idea of having a stranger in her room—especially when she was at her most vulnerable.

The girl looked up, her eyes wide as she bit on her lip, uncertain about how to answer.

Noelle tilted her head to the side, studying her.

Despite the constant pain she was in, she was still in control of all her mental faculties. And her instincts were currently telling her that something was seriously wrong.

“Where is my baby?” She rephrased the question.

Immediately, the girl reacted, and a deep discomfort settled in Noelle’s body.

“Talk!” She raised her voice, taking a step forward and intending tomakethe girl talk.

But she was in no position to do so, and she noticed that as soon as she tried to move. The birth had taken a toll on her body, and she was too weak to do anything.

“You know something, don’t you?” Noelle asked again, this time gentling her tone.

The girl nodded, her cheeks red as she looked between Noelle and the exit.

Oh, no! She couldn’t let her leave without getting some answers.

Now it was becoming increasingly clear that Lucero’s absence was suspicious. Pure fear gripped her as she tried to keep her voice in check.

“Did El Señor take her?”

Again, the girl seemed to know something, but she wasn’t speaking. Her silence was making Noelle more and more worried, especially as she knew the danger Sergio posed to her baby. Good God, but if something were to happen to him… If Sergio had taken her baby…