Page 12 of The Moral Dilemma

On the floor, a few more people were lying dead, all in different states of mutilation. Noelle hadn’t held back one whit as she’d cut and sawed at the bodies long before they were dead.

If Sergio thought he was the only savage at the hacienda, then he might have needed a little reminder that Noelle could be worse.

She kept a smile on her face as she grabbed a loaf of bread, breaking a piece and dipping it in her makeshift soup. The red liquid coated the white of the dough and Sergio’s eyes bulged in his sockets as he followed her movements. Carefully, she brought the piece of bread to her mouth, biting into it.

The blood smeared around her lips and as she slowly chewed, she gave him a brilliant smile, her teeth equally stained with red.

“Not hungry?”

He looked about to be sick. Without betraying one single emotion, Noelle extended her hand towards the corpse of Mario, who had been seated right next to her. She placed the piece of bread right under his cut throat, waiting until the drops of blood accumulated before bringing it to her mouth anew.

Sergio gagged once. Twice. On the third, he bent low and emptied the contents of his stomach, heaving as he struggled to get a grip over himself.

“I’m disappointed, Sergio. Aren’t you into fucking corpses? I thought this would be child’s play compared to that.”

“You’re fucking sick,” he groaned.

“Tsk, tsk. Isn’t the kettle calling the pot black? Or.” She rose, slowly coming around to his side. She tilted her head as she studied him with all the hate bubbling inside of her. “You’re only man enough to do something like this in one of your little rituals?”

He raised his head, his eyes flashing at her.

“I wonder, what do your friends say when you never participate in that debauched orgy? Do they not think there might be something wrong with you?”

He tensed all over, as he usually did when she reminded him of what she’d done to him—how she’d emasculated him, despite the fact that he’d tried to keep it all under wraps.

“Let me guess. They think your harem tires you out too much, isn’t that right? Poor girls.” She shook her head. “I hear them in the hallway sometimes. What do you make them do? Fuck each other so it soundsyou’re fucking them?” She chuckled. “So pathetic, Sergio. And you call yourself a god, never mind a man,” she sneered.

“Bitch,” he spat at her, that one word full of vitriol.

“I feel like I need to remind you that I’m not someone you can control or think to manipulate. We agreed on something, did we not? You would go about your business and I would go about mine. So what is this little test you tried on me this morning?” she demanded, narrowing her eyes at him.

“So you admit there was something with that slave.”

“What is it any of your business who I fuck, Sergio? Just because I’ve been discreet until now doesn’t mean he’s the first or the last,” she lied, studying his features. His mouth was set in a grim line as he stared at her, almost as if he didn’t dare look anywhere elsebutat her.

Noelle knew she’d done quite the number in the dining room, making it so disgusting that anyone would balk at the sight. She, herself, felt quite ill as she still tasted the blood on her tongue, but she would never admit that. To his eyes, she must seem unyielding.

She must seem… indomitable.

“Maybe today it’s him, maybe tomorrow it’s another. But I won’t have you question me in front of everyone as you did today. I won’t have you sniff into what I do, or who I fuck, just as I won’t yell as loud as I can that I fucking castrated you,” she added, knowing that little tidbit always worked on him.

With Sergio, everything came down to his vanity. He didn’t want anyone to know what Noelle had done to him. First, because she was a woman, and it would be mortifying to admit that a lowly creature like that had managed to hurt him.

And secondly… Well, if his manhood was put into question, then he’d lose everyone’s respect. She knew it. He knew it. And he damned well didn’t want that to happen.

Before she could blink, though, Sergio moved, grabbing a fork off of the table and stabbing her in the thigh with it.

Noelle gave a low cry of pain as she jumped back. Pulling the fork out of her flesh, she clutched it in her hand, ready for attack. Yet that small delay allowed Sergio to grab onto a knife, brandishing it in front of her before jumping forward and slashing her across her stomach in one smooth line.

She barely had time to gasp as she realized she must have pushed him to his limits.

“So this is how you’re playing, huh?” she asked, her lip quivering with a mix of pain and anger.

She brought her hand to her stomach. The wound seemed superficial enough, but it was still bleeding. That didn’t mean she would allow him to get another blow on her though, or that she would forgive him the slight.

“You know you can’t kill me,” she challenged, her eyes on him as they slowly circled each other.

He was well aware that her death would be questioned and investigated by her brother, and considering the issues Sergio had had in the last couple of months with his businesses, the last thing he wanted was to get on Cisco’s bad side.