Page 27 of The Moral Dilemma

Noelle licked her lips, uncertainty washing over her.

How could she meet him again when he could never know what she looked like?

Yet he was waiting, not budging until he exacted that promise from her.

“You have my promise. Now go.”

“Thank you,” he whispered again, leaning into her until she could feel the warmth of his skin against hers.

For a moment, she thought he would kiss her—praying to all Gods that he would.

But he didn’t.

Instead, he simply gave her another hug, whispering a thank you into her hair.

All too soon, it was over, and he was trudging his way to the end of the tunnel with his friend slung over his shoulder.

Noelle waited until she was sure he was outside the temple before she put her bag down, removing the rest of the explosives and scattering them around the temple in strategic locations.

When she was done, she removed her lighter—she’d lied that it had completely gone out—and she lit the explosives.

And when that was done, she dashed out of the tunnel, running for the exit just as loud noises cracked into the air, the walls of the pyramid crumbling down behind her.

She barely made it to the exit in time, and she was happy to see Rafaelo was nowhere in sight. Taking advantage of that, she put as much distance as she could between herself and the temple just in time to see the foundation collapse, prompting the rest of it to follow suit.

“You need to stop doing that. You’re just driving yourself crazy.”

“No one knows I’m watching.” Noelle shrugged.

After the entire temple had collapsed, Sergio had demanded an investigation to see who’d caused the explosion. Since no one had seen anything, there had been no culprit to punish, so Sergio had taken out his wrath onallthe slaves.

Thankfully, Rafaelo hadn’t been hurt too badly and he’d escaped suspicion. Instead, the man she’d previously showered with attention had ended up being the other injured man trapped in the temple. Given her history of flirtation with him, Sergio had punished him harsher.

Yet because he hadn’t been able to pin the explosion on anyone, he’d decided to add security cameras all around the hacienda, including in the slaves’ quarters.

Though Noelle hated the added degree of scrutiny, she had to admit she’d taken full advantage of the security system by following Rafaelo’s every movement.

Day and night, she could watch him without physically leaving her room and making Sergio suspicious.

Wasn’t that the best possible recourse?

“You’re wasting your days just watching that damned screen.” Lucero shook her head. “You’ve become so obsessed you’re not doing anything else—not even take care of yourself.”

Noelle turned sharply towards her friend, frowning.

“When’s the last time you washed?” She asked as she patted Noelle’s hair—granted, herveryoily hair.

“Must have slipped my mind,” she murmured, her cheeks turning red.

“I understand that this must be very exciting, but you’re going to the extreme. You can watch him and still do other things. Remember you still have a position to uphold.”

“You’re right,” Noelle sighed. “But I can’t…” she trailed off.

Her friend raised an expectant brow at her.

“How else am I to learn more about him and protect him?”

“And what exactly did you learn that you did not already know?”