“It’s nice to see you again, Zia,” I mention as we head to the living room.
“Thank you,” she murmurs softly, her head bent down. She’s dressed in a brown cotton dress that reaches her ankles. Truthfully, it looks more like a potato sack than a dress, but I’ve gathered from Noelle that she only dresses like this.
I feel a pang in my chest as I think of what she might have suffered at the hands of my brother—things that she’s likely never told anyone.
God, I have no doubt he did a number on her. And considering she’s pregnant… How the hell could no one elseknowshe’s pregnant?
I sneak a look at Vlad and Sisi, but they’re simply oblivious to Venezia. They’re in their own world like always. Vlad’s arm is around Sisi’s waist, pulling her closer to him and whispering some stuff in her ear that has her squirming. Well, I guess that’s how they haven’t realized what’s happening to her. They’re too lost in each other to see anyone else.
We manage to briefly introduce Malia to our guests, but she’s too busy playing with the other children to pay us any mind.
“She’s having so much fun,” Noelle gushes as she comes to my side. “You were right to do this.”
“It’s nice to have everyone here.” I smile.
Everyone is mingling around and having a good time. Although Malia is getting along with the other children, she’s still hovering around Yuyu and the baby, looking at him curiously.
“You know it’s coming, don’t you?” I sigh.
Noelle nods, almost as if she could read my mind. She’s so enthralled with the baby, it won’t be long before she’ll ask for a brother or a sister. She’s already been hinting about it.
“We’ll figure it out,” she says as she rests her head against my shoulder. “There are options.”
“Good. I don’t want you to beat yourself up over it.”
“I think after I found out that Malia was alive, I finally made peace with everything that happened at the hacienda. I can’t lie and say there isn’t a wound that will likely never heal. But for the first time, I feel hopeful.”
“I’m glad, pretty girl. I love you,” I murmur as I kiss the top of her head.
“Love you, too. Now we should get back to our guests.”
“Why don’t you go talk to Venezia,” I suddenly suggest. “She’s not looking too great.”
“You noticed, too?”
I nod.
“I’m going to have a little chat with Vlad and Sisi.”
“Are you going to tell them?” Noelle asks, pursing her lips.
“I think it’s time they knew,” I sigh. “She doesn’t look well, pretty girl.”
Noelle pauses for a second as she looks at Venezia.
“You’re right. She looks… hopeless.”
We part ways as I head to Vlad and Sisi while Noelle goes to Zia.
“Your daughter is precious, Raf,” Sisi gushes, and though I bet she would have hugged me, it’s clear she wouldn’t risk it with Vlad’s firm grasp on her waist.
“Thank you.” I incline my head.
“She’s quite adorable,” Vlad surprises me with his words.
I blink, taken aback.
“Did you just sayadorable? Who are you and what have you done with Vlad?”