Page 148 of The Moral Dilemma

I nod, digging into the pockets of my pants for the money I’d promised her. I press them into her palm, and after she carefully counts it, she goes back inside, telling me to wait.

“Are you sure about this, Luce?”

“Yes,” I sigh. “Sergiowillfind a way to hurt that baby. I am absolutely certain of it. And I can’t let him.”

“So you’re replacing it with another one,” he hums to himself. “Smart. But I always knew you were a smart woman,” he praises softly.

I lower my chin, a small smile pulling at my lips.

“I’ve never been called smart before,” I murmur.

His brows shoot up.

“What?” The word explodes from his mouth.

“It’s true.” I nod. “But I don’t think I’ve ever had to be smart either.” I shrug. “I was only supposed to do physical labor and keep my thoughts to myself.” Looking up at him, it’s to see disbelief written all over his face. “You were the first person to ever listen to me and think that my thoughts mattered.”

“Luce…” he swallows. “You’re breaking my heart, sweetheart.”

“It’s just the way things were.”

“You should be told how smart you are everyday. And beautiful. And so fucking brave. I don’t think I’ve met anyone as brave as you, Luce.”

“Thank you,” I whisper bashfully. How is it that he keeps making me blush?

“Don’t thank me for acknowledging a universal truth.”

The elderly woman returns with a little bundle, about to place him in my arms. Nikki swiftly intervenes, taking the baby from her, so I don’t strain my injured shoulder. The woman avoids looking at the baby as she simply goes back inside, closing the door.

“He’s not moving,” Nikki notes, his eyebrows drawn together in question.

“He’s dead,” I say, trying to keep a straight face. Just like the elderly lady, I don’t want to look at the baby—not knowing what’s going to happen to his little body once Sergio gets his hands on him.

“What do you mean he’s dead?”

“He was born prematurely and he had some lung problems. His mother knew he wouldn’t survive. This was her seventh pregnancy.” I take a deep breath. “When I heard about it, I offered her some money for the body, since it seemed like the best idea at the time.”

“Like I said. Smart,” he says, pride echoing in his voice.

“I’d like to ask you for a favor.” I stop right as we get to the car, turning to face him. “After Noelle gives birth, I’ll switch the babies. But in order for my plan to work, her baby needs to be as far away from the hacienda as possible.”

“I agree. I’ll take you to a hospital in Monterrey. The baby will likely need medical care. I’ll also make sure we get a wet nurse for him, and we can come back for your friend. How does that sound?”

“You’d do that for me?”

“Luce, what don’t you understand? I’d doanythingfor you,” he states as he comes a step closer. His breathing is erratic, his eyes becoming even darker under my very gaze. But it’s only for a moment before he’s back to normal, giving me a comforting smile as he opens the car door for me.

We’re back to the hacienda in no time, and Nikki helps me bring the baby inside Noelle’s room without drawing any unwanted attention. Luckily, it seems Noelle is still sleeping when I’m back. Nikki places the body of the baby on a pillow in the back—somewhere out of sight.

Since Noelle needs her rest, I tell Nikki to join me in the bathroom so we don’t bother her. I leave the door ajar in case she calls out, though. I don’t want her to wake up and panic that I’m not there.

“We can talk here. But quietly.”

“Of course.” He nods, walking further into the bathroom. I follow after him, surprised to see him pull a small case out of his pocket. As he opens it, it reveals pills nestled inside. He takes a bunch, popping them into his mouth.

“What are those?” I point at the pills. “You said you were fine,” I add, a hint of worry in my voice.

“It’s for something else.” He strains a smile.