Page 116 of The Moral Dilemma

“Noelle?” Lucero’s voice echoed in the apartment.

“Here,” she replied in a barely audible voice.

“My God, are you alright?” Lucero hurried to her side, looking her up and down.

“A little pain,” she grimaced. “I can handle it.”

Lucero helped her get up, leading her back to the bedroom, so that she could lay down in bed, all the while chastising her for moving around while in pain.

“Here, call your brother. Tell him to come right away. I don’t know how long you have left until the baby will come.”

Noelle blinked, squinting as she tried to focus on the item in Lucero’s outstretched hand. A little slow, she reached for the phone, taking it and dialing her brother’s number.

Her heart thundered in her chest as she waited for the call to go through.


“Cisco?” Noelle croaked.

“Noelle? Is that you? Why are you calling?”

“Please help…” she managed to utter before her eyes filled with terror as she saw the door swing open. Before she could say another word, Sergio had his gun cocked and aimed at her belly. He raised a brow at her, the implication clear.

Giving him a slow nod, she slowly put the phone down, ending the call.

Lucero stared at Sergio before looking back at Noelle as if she couldn’t comprehend how he’d known…

“You,” Sergio pointed to Lucero. “What did I say about no contact with the outside world?” he asked in a chilling voice.

Lucero took a step back.

“Watch out,” Noelle yelled just as Sergio aimed his gun at Lucero, shooting at her.

The bullet hit her in the shoulder, making her reel back and fall to the ground.

“Lulu,” Noelle cried out, struggling to get out of bed.

“Don’t move,” Sergio gritted out, aiming his gun toward her again. “Don’t you fucking dare move.”

“She needs a doctor!” Noelle exclaimed, her eyes fixed on Lucero and the blood pooling on the ground.

“Do I look like I care?” Sergio rolled his eyes. “Try to do something like this again and the next bullet will be between your eyes.”

Before Noelle could muster a reply, he was gone, the door locking in place behind him.

Shuffling out of bed, Noelle fell to her knees. Unable to get back to her feet, she crawled toward her friend.

“Lulu? Please say something,” she whispered, terrified Sergio might have killed her.

“It hurts,” Lucero groaned. “I never realized how painful getting shot was,” she said, cracking a smile as Noelle reached her side.

“There’s so much blood,” she swallowed hard. “We need to stop the bleeding. But what about the bullet? We need to get the bullet out…” She was already freaking out, unable to think clearly. God, but she could barely stand up on her own, let alone go to the bathroom for the first aid kit.

Lucero, noting her strained expression, shook her head.

“I can do it. It’s not so bad,” she murmured, though the pain was unbearable.

“There’s so much blood,” Noelle repeated, her gaze fixed to the floor.