I glance up at Raven, biting my lip. “No.”

She raises a brow at me. “Pres—”

I shake my head. “Where’s Jackson? Do you know?”

“Um, I think they’re out doing something; I am not sure. I slept here last night, and I heard them all leaving this morning. I’m guessing something happened somewhere. They will be back later. I am supposed to go to the diner, but the prospect at the gate just told me I have to have someone take me. He wouldn’t say more than that, so I was coming to ask you if you knew what was going on with that.”

I furrow my brows. “I have no idea.”

“Axe didn’t say anything?”

“No. We just went to bed last night.” Of course, I’m neglecting to tell her I drank more after she passed out.

She sighs and plops down next to me. “Well, their problem then. I tried calling a few of them, but they aren’t answering.”

“Isn’t Nerds here?” I ask.

My fingers itch to reach forward and grab the bottle off the table in front of us. I want to drink. Napping took away some of the numb feeling. I don’t want to deal with this.

“Oh! I forgot. He always stays in his tech room. Sometimes I forget he’s here.” She jumps up and heads down the hall, and I snag the bottle, taking a big gulp before getting up and heading upstairs.

Numb. No Ben, no attack, no lost baby. Just numb.

Chapter Four

Axe (Jackson)

Motherfucker.My eyes snap open when something touches my side and sends a searing pain through me.

“Hold fucking still. I’m almost done,” Blade grunts as he stands next to me, stitching me up.

“What the fuck happened?”

“One of the fucker’s bullets grazed you. Nothing bad, but you needed some stitches.”

I grunt and clench my fists as he finishes it up.

Stepping back, he takes off his gloves with a satisfied nod. “There. Done. Not too shabby, if you ask me.”

“I didn’t fucking ask you.”

Blade rolls his eyes, tossing the gloves in the nearby trash bin. “Oh boo-hoo, don’t get pissy on me. Come on, get up, take a shot, and shake it off. We have some guests to finish entertaining. Rage and Sugar are down there, and I don’t want to miss out on more of the fun.”

I slowly get up off the table I was lying on. Looking around, I see we are in the nightclub. The nightclub used to be an old warehouse of sorts, so it has a large basement. We head towards the back and down the stairs. We sound proofed this when we renovated it for the nightclub. It used to be used by Killer, Rage’s dad. Now it is mostly just Blade’s domain. He doesn’t like bringing people back to the club if he has to force answers out of them or teach them a lesson, so he usually brings them here since the young boys can’t come to the nightclub.

As soon as we hit the basement floor and open the door to the left that goes to the sound-proofed side, we hear screams. “Well shit. I fucking hate it when they have fun without me,” Blade grumbles.

I roll my eyes. I’d snap at him for not taking things seriously, but he does. This is his serious.

We walk towards the back where there is a tarp on the floor and a wall with different tools hanging from it. Rage and Sugar’s jackets are hanging on the coat rack by the door so they don’t get ruined. Blade and I also slip ours off, with mine now having a hole where the bullet grazed me.

Blade struts straight up to the two men who are currently tied down to chairs, both bleeding from various cuts and marks. It looks like fingers have been smashed.

“They aren’t wanting to spill. We warned them that Blade would be down soon. So they needed to tell us so we could hold him back but now we aren’t helping them,” Rage says as he smirks at the men in the chairs. Both of them shudder as they watch a whistling Blade skip around the room, picking up tools from the wall.

“Have they said anything?” I ask as I lean against the wall. My body is fucking exhausted from almost no sleep and then the shit from this morning.

“No,” Sugar growls.