Ben? They have to be talking about Ben. I wonder if these guys are a part of the gang that Nerds was talking about. That explains why he’s working with them. Keep a gang in your pocket to do your dirty work. Smart.

But what the fuck does he want with me? I’d think he’d be going straight for Presley. I faintly hear the sound of bikes. It is so faint that they don’t hear it over the sound of their talking. I shut my eyes.

One voice, two voices, three and four. Easy. I open my eyes and squat down, turning slightly so I can see around the tree. They’re slowly walking this way. All spread out. The one directly in front of me doesn’t see me. Too busy looking side to side. I quickly shoot out his kneecaps. He screams and falls to the ground.

I jump up and spin to my left, shooting the one ten feet from me in between the eyes. Then I duck around the tree as the other two pull guns and come from the right.

“Alright, man, we don’t want trouble. Just come out and we can talk about this.”

Fucking dumbass.

“What if I want trouble? After all, it is my middle name. Well, it should be anyway.” I peek out and watch as they both spin around to see where the voice came from. Blade stands directly behind them. A blade in each hand and a wide ass grin on his face. “Hello, boys.” He stabs one in the neck and punches the other in the side of the head, knocking him out.

I step out as more of my brothers come forward. “I think they are a part of the local gang. We should bring the live ones back. I killed one. Blade killed him. So we’ll keep these two.” I point to the two guys on the ground. One with shot out kneecaps and the other passed out.

Rage nods. “A van is on the way to grab them. Let’s burn the cars and leave the dead ones inside.”

“Your bike is a goner, Axe,” Sugar says as he walks back from the road.

I sigh. “Those fuckers. I loved that bike.” I bought that bike years ago and completely revamped it myself. It had everything custom done and even a custom paint job. The thought of starting over with it really pisses me off.

“Where are you hurt at, brother?” Stone asks as he stands in front of me.

I raise a brow. “I’m good.”

He frowns and points at my stomach area and leg. I look down and see blood running down my left side. I move my jacket and raise my hoodie. “Well, fuck.”

The adrenaline leaves my body in an instant and next thing I know, Stone grunts as he catches me. “Don’t freak out Presley. I’ll be fine.”

My eyes close as the pain surfaces.

Chapter Three


WhenIwakeup,I feel as if my head is going to explode. Just trying to crack my eyes open sends shooting pain through my skull. I groan and cover my head with the blanket. I reach my hand out and feel the other side of the bed, but it is empty and cold. Everything is fuzzy from yesterday. I remember going on the ride with Jackson and how amazing it was. It felt so freeing and calm. Like going on a ride with him could take away any anxiety I might feel and make it so I can breathe easier.

I remember talking to Carly and Raven showing up. It’s a little blurry after that until that guy put his hands on me and then Rage was making us leave. Axe stayed. I remember whining the entire way home about Axe not being with us.

I felt numb. In a good way. Now, as I lay here in pain and sober, my thoughts are all over the place again. Is Axe mad at me? Did I say stupid things? Oh god, we left the club and Ben is out there hiding somewhere. What if he was around? Who knows what could have happened?

Then that brings up other thoughts. My sweetling. My hand moves to rest on my stomach. I miss her so much. I never even got to meet her or hold her. Tears spring in my eyes, but I wipe them away. I need another drink. The numb feeling. I need to feel numb.

I throw the blanket back and sit up with a groan. Ouch. My head is killing me. I slowly stand, feeling slightly dizzy as I make my way to the bathroom. I’m sure my face looks like a raccoon, since I probably didn’t take my makeup off. When I look in the mirror, I see that my hair is a rat’s nest but my face is clean.

Did Jackson do that? He changed me and washed my face? Another tear escapes, and I quickly swipe it away. Shower, then a drink, before I find Jackson or anyone else.

After I shower and get dressed, I feel slightly better, but I don’t want to think too much, and drinking yesterday numbed all my thoughts. I leave the room and head downstairs. I don’t see anyone, but after a quick check of my phone, I see it’s almost noon. Odd. I decide I should try to eat before getting a drink, but I have to pass the bar to head towards the kitchen and it’s just too tempting, so I walk behind the counter and look around, trying to decide what I want. I don’t really remember what I was drinking last night.

I reach my hand up to grab a bottle of vodka off a higher shelf planning to do a simple vodka and cranberry juice, but a voice from behind freezes me. “Don’t.”

I don’t move. My hand is still hovering around the bottle. I wrap my fingers around it and bring it down to the counter in front of me. I still don’t turn around even as I hear a bar stool scrap on the floor as Nerds pulls it out and sits down.

“I’m not going to come over there and take it from you. You’re going to have to do it yourself. But I’m telling you, don’t. I saw you last night. You were a mess, and when Rage brought you back here, anytime it looked like you might be sobering up, you ducked away and found something else to drink. You’re trying to numb it all, aren’t you?”

I turn around, tears glistening in my eyes as I look at him. Nerds is very pretty. He has dirty blond hair that he keeps tied back in a ponytail and a medium-length beard. He has beautiful bright blue eyes. When he smiles, it’s charming, and I think if he didn’t have the beard, he’d have dimples. He is tall, an inch or two taller than Jackson. Sometimes when he’s working, he puts on these clear frame glasses and they just make him even more attractive.

But there has always been something off about him. The way he carries himself. He always has nerds candy on him or close by. And just in my short time here I have seen how he has ticks. Almost like an addict.