She comes over to me and helps me get them on. They wrap around my ankle and lower calf before tying into a bow on the backside.

A few minutes later, the door opens, and Carly comes back in. She is also dressed up, a red lace bodysuit that dips low between her boobs with a form-fitting leather skirt and red suede high heel lace-up ankle boots that have silver spikes on the back. She is also holding a leather jacket that matches her skirt, and her short blonde hair is curled and pinned to one side of her head, showing off one of her ears that has six piercings in it.

“Ready, bitches?” Carly asks.

Raven nods, but I hesitate for a second. “Shouldn’t we talk to the guys? Won’t they be done soon? It’s been like two hours.”

They both chuckle at me and shake their heads. “No babe, they will be down there for at least four hours. There is no point in telling them. They will show up eventually, but for now, we get to do whatever we want without them hovering,” Carly explains.

I open my mouth, but Raven says, “Time to go. Taxi is here.”

They start heading out the door, and I glance at the tequila bottle. My insides are already warm, and my shaking has stopped. I grab it and take a big swig, letting the burn soothe me as I follow them out. Maybe this is a good thing. I can already feel my anxiety melting away, and the feeling is something I never want to let go of.

We walk right out of the club with no problems. The taxi is on the other side of the gate, so we have to walk to it. As we pass by the gatehouse, I see one of the prospects; I think his name is Daniel. He smirks and salutes us as we walk out and climb into the taxi.

“Rave, why did he not stop us or contact the guys inside to tell them that a taxi was here or that we were leaving?”

Raven looks at me from where she sits on the other side of Carly. “Because that boy wants in my pants. All I had to do was bat my lashes at him when I got here, and he caved easy for us to leave.”

“Won’t he get in trouble?” I raise a brow.

“Probably. But if you think about it, I’m helping the guys. Got to weed out the pussy-whipped ones early on so they don’t get any of our guys hurt if something ever goes down. They rely on each other.”

I shake my head at her, but my lips tilt up. It’s probably a horrible idea, but I also get it, and it’s kind of smart.

When we arrive at the club, just like last time, we skip the line and head straight up to the bouncer. He gives us a beaming smile. “Ladies, where are your men?”

Raven steps up to him with a scoff. “We don’t need men, Barren. Let us in and don’t be sending out any texts to anyone for a while. I’ll do the thing with my tongue you love so much,” she says in a sugary-sweet voice.

Carly slaps a hand over her mouth, trying to contain her laughter, and I gape at them.What in the world have I gotten myself into?

Barren, the bouncer, tenses. His face goes blank. “I’ll let you in and won’t text for a while, but uh…” He clears his throat. “I will pass on the second part. Head on in, ladies.”

He looks down at the tablet in his hand, not saying anything else. Raven glances back at us with a frown but grabs our hands and leads inside straight to the bar, which has a huge sign above it that says, “Throwback Night.” Music is blaring, and people are dancing while half-naked waitresses attend to the tables and booths that line the walls around the main dance floor.

As soon as we snag three seats at the bar, Raven orders a bunch of shots. Carly and I exchange glances as Raven sits there, bouncing her leg and tapping her fingers on the counter.

I lean in close to Carly’s ear. “This has to do with the bouncer, right?”

She nods. “Yes. From what I know, they’ve hooked up twice.”

I shake my head and sit back. This is that crap again. Guys are ghosting her or treating her like crap. I wish I knew why or could help her. I can only imagine how much it’s messing with her head.

The shots come soon enough, and Raven gives each of us three. “Drink up, bitches!” She grins at us. Even though I know she is bothered by what just happened, she won’t let it ruin our night, so I won’t either. We down three shots together, clinking our glasses every time. Tears burn the back of my eyes with each shot I take, but I know I’ll like the buzz I get from what I had at home mixed with this.

The music thumps around us. I find myself smiling at the song choices tonight. These are all things I used to listen to in high school. ‘Maneater’ by Nelly Furtado starts, and Carly grins and jumps up. “Let’s dance!”

We all grab each other’s hands so we don’t lose each other in the crowd and head straight towards the middle of the dance floor. My body buzzes from the alcohol coursing through me. I feel lighter and like there isn’t as heavy of an ache sitting on my chest that I’ve felt since I lost the baby. My hips start to move along with the beat of the music as Raven steps up behind me, grabbing my hips and moving her body with mine. Carly stands in front of me with her hands above her head, singing the lyrics as she sways her hips. People around us jump up and down and dance around us, but it feels like we’re in a bubble. Just the three of us as we laugh and let loose.

I grab Carly’s waist as she sways and pull her towards me so her front is against my front and Raven is behind me. We move together with huge grins as we sing about maneaters.

Song after song, we continue to dance. Rocking out and belting out the lyrics to all these hits we haven’t heard in years. I laugh and feel free. The mental prison I find myself trapped in constantly, especially lately, is nonexistent.

Raven announces she needs the bathroom, so we all decide to take a break. We head to the left side where it looks like it goes to other offices and upstairs to the private area. Then we walk into the bathroom and end up all needing to go.

I come out of my stall first and wash my hands, looking over my face. I’m flushed, and my eyes look lighter than they have in a long time. My mind is starting to feel a little fuzzy again, like panic and anxiety are only minutes away from surfacing.

I glance down at my hands as they start to shake from thoughts of Ben and him attacking me.Drink, I need another drink.