I nod, my stomach knotting with worry. “Yeah. Raven is coming by soon too. Everything okay?” I ask.

“Everything will be fine.” He kisses my forehead before heading downstairs to go to church. I watch him leave, checking out his butt on the way towards the hall.God, the way those jeans hug his butt… panty destroyer.

Someone giggles next to me. “Presley? Are you done staring at his ass?” Crap, I completely forgot that Carly was still sitting next to me. I turn back towards her, and I know my face is red based on how hot it feels right now. “It’s okay.” She giggles again. “They all have pretty nice asses.”

I chuckle, “Well, I’ve only really looked at one around here. Although, I am sure you have looked at more.”

“Not Axe. If that is what you’re asking.” Her smile drops.

“No, no. I wasn’t trying to ask. I don’t really think I want to know who he’s been with. I know he is loyal to me now, and that’s what matters.”

Her lips tilt up in an affectionate grin. “I’m so glad he found you.”

“Well, if we’re being technical, Sugar found me.”

She laughs. “Okay, we’ll give Sugar the credit. I’m sure Axe will love that.”

I hesitate for a moment. “Can I ask… what is it like? Being here? Being one of the club—girls.” I really don’t want to call them sluts. Raven does and has no problem doing it, but I just can’t.

Carly purses her lips, contemplating her answer before she responds, “Um, well, it’s kind of different for me. Maya and Rachel both just sleep with whoever; they don’t care. They also don’t enjoy having to do much of anything around here. Usually, they have to be forced to do cleaning or cooking or anything.”

“Why is it different for you?” I’m pretty sure I know the answer already, having seen her and Rage together, but I’m curious how that started.

“I grew up in a pretty strict household. My parents were hard on my brother and I. They wanted the best for us, and they expected nothing less than the best. My brother thrived in that environment, but I didn’t. I wanted to rebel, I guess, so I would constantly get into trouble. I got arrested a few times for minor stupid things I did as a teen. I used to sneak out to parties and drink and smoke weed. It didn’t get any better as I got older. I didn’t want to go to college. I wanted to party and do whatever I wanted.

“My parents eventually stopped supplying me with money and told me I had to get a job. That just because I wasn’t going to school didn’t mean I could get away with anything. So I got a job… at a nightclub.” She smiles fondly, chuckling under her breath.

“The Dirty Sinner?” I guess.

She nods. “Yep. I was just going to bartend, but I loved watching the girls who would put on private VIP dances and back then, they still had dancing waitresses. They don’t do it anymore, but the waitresses used to have a signal and then they would stop and dance on tables. Anyway, I thought it looked fun and wanted to try it. But I sucked ass.”

I grin. “I can’t dance either. I can’t even imagine trying to do that.”

“Yeah, but my problem was the night they were letting me test it out as a waitress was the night a bunch of MC members came in together, and I got their section. So everything is going fine and then they signal for us to get ready, starting the music and we all get on the tables, with me on the MC table that had the ranking members. I was so bad and slightly tipsy because I had taken shots beforehand to kill the nerves, so Rage pulled me off the table.”

She snickers, “He told me I couldn’t dance worth shit, and I threw a little fit. I went back to bartending for the rest of the night and then got drunk. Rage was still around by the time I was off, and I was totally wasted. I marched up to him and yelled at him. Telling him I was an amazing dancer, and he shouldn’t have stopped me. We ended up sleeping together that night.”

Her cheeks turn pink, and she runs a hand across the back of her neck. “He also told me if I ever got drunk at work again, I’d find myself without a job. I didn’t listen. Maybe it was the part of me that still wanted to rebel and wanted to just push someone to the edge for once. My parents always had so much patience. They showed their disappointment, but they never yelled at me or took any drastic measures.”

“So, you wanted someone to push too far?” I ask, and she nods. “And you thought dangerous MC men would be the right ones for that?” I raise my brows at her.

Carly shrugs. “I didn’t think it through fully. I ended up coming to some parties here and discovered club sluts. Thought that would be a fun change, so I got in. I um—wow, now that I am really thinking about everything I did back then, I realize how some of it was so embarrassing.” She laughs nervously.

The main door swings open, and Raven comes bouncing through, pulling a suitcase behind her. I look at it and then at her before raising a brow, but she simply grins and leaves it against the wall before coming over and plopping down between Carly and I, leaning her head on my shoulder and kicking her legs up across Carly’s.

She beams, “What are we talking about?”

I smile at my wild friend. “Carly was telling me how she came to be a part of the club.”

Raven cackles. “Oh man, that is a good story. Did I miss the juicy details? I wouldloveto see Presley’s face!” She chortles as she jumps up and sits on the coffee table in front of us, so she can see our faces.

Carly smiles at her. “No, I was just telling her how now that it’s been almost four years, it’s kind of embarrassing to talk about.”

Raven nods, looking to be deep in thought. “That’s right, when you told me after I started coming around last year, we were wasted. Do you remember when Rage overheard you talking about—” Carly jumps up and slams her hand over Raven’s mouth.

“Nope! No! We don’t speak of that. Rave, I told you that wasted. You promised. No sex details.” She gives her a pointed look. Raven’s eyes sparkle with mirth. She tries to talk, saying something about three, but that is all I catch. Carly groans, “Raven! Shut up! I swear to god if you speak another word, I will never ever share dirty details with you again.”

Raven tosses her hands up in the air, giving up. Carly slowly pulls back her hand and sits down. I grin between the two of them. “So, what was that about?”