– David Platt


Waitingisthehardestpart of this entire thing. After I showed up at the hospital just because I could, I knew I had made the right decision to send Vance after Axe. The disgusting biker trash had his hands all over my doll, and he needs to pay the price.

It is a little disappointing that I won’t be the one to actually kill him. I have to leave that to Vance and his men, seeing as it’s part of the bigger picture. We need Vance to do the dirty work so I can then destroy him with the help of my Montana contacts.

But right now, it’s a waiting game.

Which is why I am currently sitting in the driveway of my childhood home. There is one thing that needs to be taken care of, and I was just given the go ahead.

Coming into new power and with plans to take over Jacksonville as my own home turf means that anything connected to my past needs to be dealt with. I spin the flash drive in my fingers, glaring at the tiny device that holds the one thing that turned me into who I am. When Presley told me months ago that she had the flash drive, my mind couldn’t seem to grasp how she could have gotten her hands on it.

Besides my father, there is only one other person who knows what it is on here: my mother. Which means that stupid bitch must have given it to her.

I was lucky enough to have found it at Presley’s apartment when I tore it apart, and now it’s time I finally lay it to rest. My father has held it over my head since I was eighteen. No longer will I allow him to have any power.

Getting out of the car, I head up to the large double front doors that I grew up coming in and out of. Unlocking them, I enter to find my parents sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a nice dinner together. I knew they would be alone. They always send the staff home at five in the evening so my mother can play housewife and make dinner for them to enjoy together.

“Benny? What are you doing here?” my mother asks, rising from her seat to come greet me. I raise a hand, stopping her approach.

“Sit,” I command, my eyes narrowing on her.

The woman, just like all others, obeys the command and sits back in her seat with furrowed brows.

I toss the flash drive onto the table, watching as it slides and stops right in front of their dinner plates. Glancing up, a smile stretches over my face when I see the look of horror that slowly covers my mother’s face, while my father merely glares at it.

“Where did you get this?” he demands.

“Funny story, Father,” I say, connecting eyes with my mother. “It would seem that Presley got her hands on it. But the odd thing is, the only person who would know this even exists and could have given it to her is your wife.” I slowly move my eyes back to my father and watch as he sends her a deadly look.

My father rarely ever lays a hand on my mother anymore. She was quick to become perfectly obedient and always do as she was told. It made everything much easier for my father. But when he sent me off totraining,my mother was not happy. She tried to stop it, and my father brought his literal fist down and put an end to it. Or so he thought.

“You took this from the safe and gave it to Presley Ann? Why would you do that?” he seethes at her.

Her shoulders drop, and she sags in her chair, her eyes downcast as a few tears fall from her eyes. She says nothing. Not yet.

“Go upstairs. I will deal with you later,” Father says quietly, his voice void of any emotion.

My mother sucks in a breath but immediately complies, not willing to make things worse for herself.

The moment she is out of the room, my father rises and steps towards me. “And you,” he begins, “what is going on, boy? I prepared you for the life we live and yet I am getting phone calls from the Brooks family asking about you and Presley, who is not even with you? I taught you better than this. Why would you let your wife out of your grasp?” He narrows his eyes at me.

Straightening my back, for once I don’t give my father what he wants:my submission. He no longer holds any power over me.

“That is none of your concern. I am handling things. Presley has had some issues with her mental health that have gotten worse, and Vance is helping with them. But there is nothing to be concerned about. I have everything under control.”

His eyes narrow further, turning to slits. He steps up to me, but I don’t back down. “Remember who you’re speaking to. You have earned my respect and trust, but I am still in charge.”

It’s hard not to scoff at him. My father may take charge in his own home, but he is no leader. Not like my grandfather was. He took no shit from anyone, whereas my father spent decades letting the Brooks family walk all over him because he feared them. But I am not like him. I don’t fear them, and I want all the power. In my homeandthe city.

“You are retired now, old man. You aren’t in charge anymore. Take care of your wife. If she causes anymore issues, I will send someone to take care of her for you, and it won’t end well,” I seethe as I turn and walk back out the front door and down to my car. My father used to wield power. He even used to terrify me. But as I got older, I saw him for what he is: a coward. He fears those around him. The only ones he doesn’t fear are those he deems weaker than him. Namely, women and children.

After what happened—what is on that flash drive—my hatred for my father grew, and it has never left. One day, I will seek my revenge on him, because one day my doll and I will rule over this city and everyone in it.

Chapter One
