Blade turns and walks back down the hall as he yells, “Nice one, Presley! There’s hope for you yet.”

Turning around, I see that Presley’s smile has now dropped. She is standing in the middle of her now mostly destroyed bedroom staring at the mirror that hangs on her wall next to her bed. Tears slowly leak down her cheeks as she runs her fingers over her arms.

Her arms and legs no longer have bandages. Just stitches that will fall out on their own. Her stomach still has a bandage over it so you can’t see those marks.

“Presley?” I question softy, taking a slow step towards her.

“He saw me,” she whispers.

“Blade? I’m sorry he saw you. It won’t happen again. I promise, angel.”

She shakes her head. “No, I actually don’t care that he saw me naked. But he saw the marks… the red lines that will now turn into viscous scars. They are so ugly, Jackson. They make me look hideous. They will remind everyone of what happened. They will remind me every day for the rest of my life what happened to me. He ruined me.” She sobs, her knees give out as she crumbles to the ground, a heart-wrenching sob working its way out of her.

Dropping to my knees, I gently run my hand up her back, giving her a moment to let it out. She pulls her knees to her chest and wraps her arms around them, making herself as small as possible.

I move on my knees until I am in front of her and cup her cheeks in my hands. “You are not ruined.” She squeezes her eyes shut and tries to pull her face away from my hands. “No. Presley, look at me,” I demand as I grip her chin between my fingers.

Her glistening eyes snap open and meet mine with a sniffle.

I continue, “You are not fucking ruined. Do you hear me? I will not stop saying it to you until you understand. You are so far from ruined. You are a fucking survivor, the strongest person I know. You have shown me your strength every single fucking day since I showed up at the hospital and saw you. You have not given up. You haven’t given in to that voice I know is in your head asking what the point is. You are fighting, and you will keep fighting for your little girl. Why? Because you arenotruined.”

Tears continue to track down her face as I release her chin and grab her arms, untwining them from around her legs and pull her legs open so her beautiful naked body is on display for me.

“This? This body is so fucking perfect. Scars don’t change a thing. Scars don’t deter from your beauty. Looking at you; no matter what you are wearing or how you look turns me on. There is nothing you could do that would turn me away. Fuck, angel, you are sitting her crying and in so much pain and I am still rock fucking hard because of you perfect body.”

Presley lets out a tiny giggle at that, and a small blush creeps over her cheeks. Grabbing her face again, I bring us nose to nose. “You arenotruined. You are a fucking survivor.”

I kiss her with everything in me, showing her just how much her scars do nothing to turn me away.

Pulling away, Presley takes a deep breath. “I don’t know if I can believe you right now… but I want to try.”

“I will tell you every single day until you believe me.”

Presley was able to find a pair of sweats that weren’t ruined, and I gave her my hoodie. She decides not to take anything else until we can get in here and clean and check everything since we have no idea what’s been tampered with. We head back to the club since Presley really needs to rest and Raven demanded she take her shopping tomorrow.

When we get there, Raven comes running out of the doors and to the truck, ripping open Presley’s door.

“Oh, babe! I’m so glad you’re out of the hospital. Come on. We need a few minutes to ourselves.” Raven glances at me. “Your room?”

I nod. “Upstairs. Go to the left. The doors are labeled.” I grab Presley’s chin and turn her head towards me. “Make yourself at home. My room is yours now too. There is an attached bathroom. Use whatever you want.” I give her a swift kiss before getting out and walking around to help her down. She smiles at me as Raven takes her hand and they head inside.

I go around the building to the back, where we have a fire pit. It’s getting late now, so I’m guessing most brothers will be out there. I find them all relaxing around the fire with beers in their hands. No club sluts in sight.

I glance over at Rage. “Where are the sluts?”

He smirks at me. “I was taking a wild guess that you didn’t explain that situation to Pres yet, so we sent them out tonight. They’ll be back tomorrow, though.”

I wince but nod and take a seat with a sigh.

“Where’s Pres?” Nerds asks. I fucking love how my brothers are accepting Presley so easily and giving her a nickname. Well, stealing Raven’s nickname for her.

“Raven stole her away. They wanted to talk for a bit. I’m just giving some space. They’re up in my room.”

Everyone talks around me for a while, but it’s all just muffled. My mind is going crazy about all of this. Based on what Presley has said, what he did makes no sense. But how can someone go this many years and show no signs of being a fucking lunatic? Did he hide it that well? Or… was Presley naïve to it? I hate thinking that, but things just don’t add up.

I realize after a few more minutes that it’s silent. I look up and see everyone watching me. “What the fuck are you guys staring at?”

Rage clears his throat. “We tried talking to you, but you were staring into space. What’s going through your head?”