“I’m still going to be scared for you,” she mumbles against my chest.

“I know, sweetheart.” I let her cry for a few minutes more and then swoop her up in my arms and climb out of the bed. I grab my phone from the nightstand and walk out to the kitchen.

“Jackson! You’re naked!” she gasps.

I smirk. “No one’s here. It’s fine.” I set her down on the counter and stare at her sitting there, her perfectly lean legs dangling over the edge as she swings them slightly. Sitting in my hoodie that dwarfs her tiny frame. The sleeves have to be rolled up so she can use her hands. Her hair is a wet mess and sticking all over her head. Her eyes are red and puffy, but she looks fucking stunning and to no surprise, my dick gets hard.

Presley watches me as I stare at her, and she glances down before looking up and raising a brow. “Don’t we need to eat actual food and sleep?”

I grumble and turn away from her, checking my phone and listening to her giggle behind me. A prospect dropped off clothes at the front door for us, so I head over and grab them before going back to the kitchen. I toss on a pair of boxers and then go through Rage’s kitchen. Apparently, he doesn’t eat because he has beers and a few random things. I sigh and debate ordering food, but if shit is going on, the delivery will get sent away at the gate.

Presley slides off the counter and comes over to look before humming softly. “I can make us pancakes, and he has sausage in here. Does that work?”

I nod and move to his tiny island and sit on one of the barstools, watching my angel move around the kitchen in just my hoodie, making us food while she hums. She catches me watching her and smiles softly at me.

Chapter Seven


IsmileatJacksonafter catching him watching me, then go back to getting stuff ready to make pancakes. Rage must not be in here much because everything seems new and barely used, and he has almost no food.

After having been drinking so much yesterday and today, my mind still feels a little fuzzy, but it’s slowly clearing more and more. Being around Jackson helps, but I worry I’m becoming dependent on him. I was supposed to be independent and not need anyone when I moved here; that was the goal.

But I can’t find it in myself to step back. I know Jackson will support me and if I told him I wanted more independence, he would gladly give it to me.

Honestly… I think I need Jackson to get through this. I don’t think I’d survive without him. I’ve already felt myself wanting to drown everything out by drinking. I still want to. But being here with him helps to curb the urge. I never knew how dangerous it can be to drink when you’re already in a terrible state of mind. Granted, I thought I was fine at first. I thought I would be able to move past this easily.

I was lying to myself and instead just shoving it all down and when it tried to surface, I realized that drinking numbed me and made everything feel better.

But it didn’t actually make me feel better. Instead, my mind would turn off, and I ended up like today, where I spent over half the day asking why I was even alive. Because to me there was no point in being alive. Then Jackson showed up and reminded me why I want to live.

I love him, and I want to have a new life with him. We just have to deal with Ben first.

I never thought I would wish someone dead, but I do. I want him gone. I don’t want to think about him ever again. I want to do what Jackson said and grieve my childhood friend and first love. Not the man who did horrendous things.

I just hope we can figure it all out soon so I can put it to rest and move on and truly start this new life.

Without warning, I feel arms band around my stomach as I flip the last pancake over. “You’re thinking too hard, angel.” Jackson’s gruff voice sends chills down my spine.

My thighs clench involuntarily as I clear my throat. “It’s ready.” I put the last pancake on the plate with the rest, then grab that and the plate of sausage before taking them to the table.

Jackson chuckles, and I hear him grabbing other things before following me. Once we have everything on the table, we dive in. I am a lot hungrier than I thought I was, and I end up devouring more food than I have in weeks. Jackson never once looks at me with disgust.Something that Ben used to do, as a lady never eats too much.But he simply grins and chows down right along with me.

After I take the last bite, I stand to go wash my hand because I got syrup on my fingers, but Jackson grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him as he turns in his chair so I am standing between his legs.

“What are you doing, sweets?” I ask breathlessly, even though I know what he wants.

He raises a brow and pulls my hand towards him before sucking the two syrup-covered fingers into his mouth. His tongue swirls around them as he licks and sucks them clean.

My thighs clench together as I feel wetness leaking down them. This is a terrible time not to be wearing any panties.

I squirm and let out a tiny moan, which Jackson takes as a sign. He pushes his plate to the side before grabbing my hips and lifting me onto the table in front of him.

I let out an embarrassing squeak. “Jackson! This isn’t our table, and I have no panties on.”

He smirks at me, pushing on my chest so I lay back. “I know. But I’m still hungry, and I want my dessert.” He pushes his hoodie up to sit around my hips, then spreads my legs so each one is on either side of him. He looks down, and I feel his thumb lightly touch my clit before moving on and rubbing up and down my slit. He lets out a pleased hum. “Soaked just for me, angel?”

I nod and let my head fall back with a small groan.