I’m still not happy that Vance would even come here to speak to those fuckers, but not to worry because once this plays out, the Brooks family will no longer exist.

My secondary burner phone begins to ring, and I grab it off the ratty old bed, quickly answering it. “Wyatts, it seems we have a problem,” he drawls down the line; the mafia don of Montana is never one for pleasantries.

“What’s the problem? Things are going according to plan on my end,” I retort, not going into detail about the few hiccups. But things will fall back in line; I’m sure of it.

“I got an interesting phone call. If there is one thing I do not like, it is being toyed with, Wyatts. I do not have the time on my hands to play games. After hearing about how you seem to be playing on multiple sides, I knew it was time we had a talk.”

Before I have a chance to figure out what he is saying, he continues, “You see, there is a man outside your motel door right now. One word from me, and he comes in and puts a bullet right between your eyes. But I happen to like you. You made an impression on me when you were here. Therefore, you have one opportunity to walk away from this. I will deal with the Brooks family on my own. This has been a decades long battle between us, and I will destroy them no matter what. You will walk away from this and go live a life somewhere else. You will not take over when I destroy the Brooks.”

Words fail me as everything I have worked so fucking hard on over the last few years seems to come crashing down. Carefully laid plans that I have spent so much time crafting and making sure that all my pieces were aligned perfectly, it’s all coming down because someone fucking ratted on me. Rage is simmering underneath my skin as thoughts of how I will destroy everyone to get what I want comes to mind. This doesn’t end here. It can’t.

“You have two seconds to answer me. It’s a simple, ‘I understand’, or ‘I don’t’, in which case… well, you die.” He responded like he didn’t have a care in the world about the outcome either way.

“I understand,” I say through clenched teeth. “I just have one question.”

He hums but doesn’t say anything.

“Who called you?”

A light chuckle seeps through the phone. “Oh, how I do love good ol’ family drama. Your father called me.” The phone beeps as he hangs up on me.

Chapter Six

Axe (Jackson)

WhenIgetbackto the club, exhaustion weighs heavily on me. All I want to do is grab Presley and head straight to bed. Curl up and sleep for hours and then deal with everything that we need to deal with. But I know that isn’t an option as I walk into the club.

Nerds is leaning against the wall in the hallway right by the main door I just entered through. As soon as he sees me, he stands up straight, a frown on his face. “You look almost as bad as Pres does.”

I’m sure there are bruises on my face, but I haven’t had a chance to look in a mirror yet. As his words really hit my heart pounds against my chest as I frantically look around the room for my angel needing to see that she is okay. “What do you mean, almost worse than Pres? Where is she?” My voice progressively rises as worry gnaws its way at my insides.

He just sighs and walks into the main room. “Come on. She’s out back.”

I furrow my brows but follow him through the room and to the opposite side, where the doors lead behind the main clubhouse. Grayson and a prospect are sitting at one of the tables, and when I glance around looking for Presley, I catch sight of something out farther in the grass.

I frown, and Grayson explains, “She doesn’t want to move. Ry has just been staying next to her. I think they were talking.”

I walk off the patio and head towards them. They’re laying side by side on their backs staring up at the blue sky. As I get closer, I freeze as their voices come through more clearly.

Pres sniffles. “I’m failing everything. I learned yesterday that drinking numbs everything. But everyone keeps telling me I don’t want to feel this way. The only problem is, I don’t want to feel at all. I really thought I would be okay or that everything would turn out alright, but I really just don’t think I can ever be okay again. Why would I want to live that way?”

It looks like Ryker is ready to respond, but before he can, I storm forward. I rip the bottle of vodka from her hand, and she squeaks as she quickly sits up, her eyes going wide as she stares at me.

She opens her mouth, but before she can say anything, I bend down and pick her up, tossing her over my shoulder. A sharp pain shoots through my side where my stitches are, but I ignore it. I hand the bottle to Ryker, and he gets up and walks back towards the others with a frown on his face.

“Jackson! What are you doing?” Her words come out slurred, so I ignore her and turn to head further away from the main building out towards Rage’s house, doing exactly what he said to do.

Part of me is pissed at him. He is basically fucking grounding me like a child. But after just hearing that tiny bit of information from Presley, I know he was doing the right thing for us.

Doesn’t mean I won’t say something later on.

I walk up the steps of the front porch and dig the keys out of my jean pocket while still holding onto Presley and get the door unlocked. As I am opening it, Presley wiggles around. I growl, “Stop it. I don’t want to drop you.”

“I’m going to puke!” she screams.

I set her down and grab her shoulders, spinning her around and pushing her towards where I know the bathroom is. As soon as we get in, she drops to her knees and starts hurling in the toilet.

She waves a hand at me and tries to shove me away as I get closer and join her on the floor, but I easily grab her wrist and stop her.