“Alright, let’s clean up downstairs and get those two fuckers in the van.” Unfortunately, we can’t kill them now that Vance knows they’re alive. But we also can’t leave them here. The club will open later, and we don’t want to risk anything by leaving them here.

After we knock them both out and make sure they aren’t going to bleed out, we load them into the van that a prospect used to bring them here. I call a few prospects on our way back to the clubhouse and tell them to go clean the downstairs of the nightclub.

We unload the two fuckers at the shed and lock them in a cell for now. Afterwards, I walk over to my house to make sure Axe and Presley are there. Daniel, one of our prospects, is sitting on the front steps. “Prez, they’re in there. Have been for about two hours now. Nerds told me to stay put here.”

I let out a slow breath. “Yep, stay. Are you armed?” He nods in return. “Good. You will be here the rest of the night. They don’t leave unless a ranking officer says they can. I will send someone else over later to stay out back as well. We are locking down the club. Anyone you see out here you call someone immediately. There shouldn’t be any roaming tonight. Got it?”

“Got it, Prez.”

I stare him down for a minute before glancing up at the house. I really want to check on them, but I know they need this time, just the two of them.

Instead, I head back to the clubhouse and call an emergency church meeting. Almost everyone is here for it, just missing a few brothers who are being contacted and told to head to the club.

Once everyone that was already here is at the table, I slam my hand down on the surface. “Shut up. We have shit to do.”

Everyone goes silent and gets serious. I walk them through the events of today up until the call with Vance. “So things can go a few different ways. Obviously, we’re hoping for the best and that Vance is going to listen and be understanding to what Presley has been through and believe us. But there is a possibility that it doesn’t go that way. So I want us on full lockdown tonight. We don’t need to scare anyone, but no one goes out. All the girls need to be here. The boys need to stay in, and we need to open our safe room.”

Surprised glances are exchanged. We haven’t opened up our safe room in a long time. It is a huge gun room with a panic room off to the side that people can hide in. There are TVs set up in there that show the security cameras around the property, and you can lock yourself inside and no one can get in.

Blade bounces in his seat, a grin coming over his face. “We’ll be ready.”

I nod. “Good. Blade, you’re in charge of weapons and making sure everyone is armed. Sugar, you’re on lockdown. Make sure we are set to lock up and close down the gatehouse. Put the barricades up.”

If there is anything I would thank my piece of shit father for, it is being paranoid. He was into some sketchy shit so our compound can be locked down tight. The gate has a secondary fence that can be pulled in front of it that is bulletproof, so no bullets get through the gate, and we have bulletproof shutters on every window and door here.

I add, “Everyone else, make sure you’re prepared. Talk with Sugar and Blade if you aren’t sure what you need to do.”

I split everyone up so Blade, Stone, and I will be going to the meeting along with a few other members as back up and Sugar and Nerds will stay here. Sugar will be on guard, and Nerds will be working to keep track of everyone and making sure we have a heads up if an ambush is coming.

I am hopeful that things go well and that Vance will hear us out, but we also killed a few of his men and have two more that are not in good shape. He is ruthless and could easily decide that we are not worth a conversation and try to take us out and grab Axe to take to Ben.

I shake my arms out, attempting to release those thoughts. I need to be focused.

I walk around the building, making sure everyone is getting prepped for what’s coming. Blade sent the boys upstairs to go play video games and hang out in their rooms for the night. The club sluts are here, but I don’t see Carly or Raven.


“Yeah, Prez?” He glances up from his phone, where he leans against the wall by the main doors.

“Where are Carly and Raven?”

“Raven was working today, I think, and I don’t know where Carly is.”

I send Raven a text to wrap up any remaining customers, close the diner, and that I am coming to get her. Even though she has only been around for about a year, she fits in really well and doesn’t question us if we can’t tell her something but need her to do something. Like right now, she texts back with an okay and leaves it at that.

I grab keys to my truck since I need to get Raven and Carly and head outside while I call Carly.

“Hello?” her soft, sweet voice answers.

“Carly, it’s Rage.”

She chuckles lightly, sending goosebumps down my spine. “I know.”

I clear my throat. “Right. Where are you?”

“I just finished taking care of a few things at the college. I was going to stay at my campus studio tonight. Why?”

“I am coming to get you. I need you to stay at the club tonight.”