IwatchJacksonheadoutside to take the call with his mom and then redirect my attention back to Carly. I’ve learned that she is very soft-spoken and kind. She seems very much the type to just go with the flow of things.

“I’ve met his mom a few times. She is really sweet, but if you piss her off, man will she go off on you.” She grimaces.

I let out a nervous chuckle, “Really?”

“Yeah. She got on me for being reckless a few times in the past,” Carly retorts with a nod.

“She threatened to whip my ass with a cane once!” Blade adds with a snort.

My eyes widen. “What? Why?”

Carly rolls her eyes at Blade. “He probably said something he shouldn’t have, knowing him,” she whispers to me, and I chuckle. “Have you been to the Dirty Sinner yet?”

I instantly feel my cheeks heat. “Raven took me there once.”

Carly grins as she searches my face. “And? I can see thatsomethinghappened.”

Sighing, I glance around to make sure everyone else is occupied and then spill the beans about dancing with Jackson and our moment after. I don’t go into details about me getting off on him because it feels weird, but I tell her we kissed.

“That’s so sweet. I’m so glad you guys found each other. I really think Axe needed you to come into his life when you did.”

I smile and listen as she talks to me more about the nightclub, but I can’t help but let my mind wander… Today, my mind is a bit calmer, but I think it’s because Jackson has been right by my side. I think I needed him to come into my life more than anything, but I know I can’t depend on him to keep me afloat forever. I will need to get my shit together sooner rather than later.

It's just hard to keep myself afloat when there are so many unknowns about everything right now. The what-ifs seem to multiply every day. What if Ben shows up here? What if he had killed me?

Then… why? Why would he do this? What did I ever do to deserve this? Why did he take my baby away? Was Ben never the person I thought he was? I know he was controlling, but I could never imagine him almost killing someone. Almost killingme…Killing our baby.

My thoughts continue to spiral and before I know it, Jackson is back inside from taking the call with his mom. He sits down next to me, pulling me against him while listening to everyone talk around us. Carly moves on from talking about the club to teasing Blade.

I nudge Jackson with my arm, and he glances down at me. “Everything okay?” I ask softly.

“Yeah, everything is good. My mom is coming home. She has been in Montana for almost six months now and has decided now is the time to come back. She wants to meet you.”

My throat goes dry at the thought. “Um, what? You—your mom? She wants to meet me?” I ask, but I’m pretty sure it sounds more like a squeak, as it draws everyone else's attention back to us.

Blade cackles loudly. “Oh man. You sound so scared, like she is a wicked witch who might swallow you whole.”

“Uh, yeah. Am I not supposed to be scared?” I ask.

Jackson sighs and grabs my hands where I had been pinching my palm, turning the skin red and raw. “No, angel. Don’t be worried. I just wanted to let you know so you aren’t blindsided when she gets here. She will love you. My mom is very good at reading people. She might be wary of you because of what I told you about my ex, but she won’t treat you poorly because of that.”

Nodding, I try to force myself to relax. “When does she come?”

“Two days. Her flight is early in the morning. She should be here about 7 a.m. I’m booking it now,” Nerds says from behind us.

“Two days?” I groan and drop my head on Jackson’s shoulder. He chuckles and squeezes my thigh, sending tingles right to my core.

“It’ll be fine, angel,” he murmurs against my head.

“I could really use a drink.” It slips out before I mean for it to, but luckily no one asks about it because Nerds starts talking.

“I came out because we need to talk. Where’s Rage?”

“In his office,” Sugar retorts.

Nerds disappears, and I watch all the guys give each other looks. Not even a minute later, Rage comes barreling out. “Church! Now!”

“Are you alright hanging out with Carly?” Jackson asks.