Presleyshouldbe angry. I have seen it coming out here and there. Yesterday at her apartment and just now. It needs to come out in full-force. I’d let her take it all out on me in whatever way she wanted, but I know she would eat herself alive for taking it out on anyone. I also watched her thrive and let herself relax when we had sex. When she let me take care of her and praise the shit out of her, her mind shut off, and she trusted me to know what she needed.

Maybe that’s what she needs all the time. I have never been someone who likes total control. I have had women be more dominant in bed, and it has never bothered me. But I fucking loved taking control with Presley. My cock was the hardest it had ever been. Maybe she needs me to do that for her to calm her mind down when she gets angry. I can tell her to push that anger towards Ben, but one, we can’t find the sneaky fucker and two, I think she will always care for him in some way, as fucked up as that is.

When I reach the shop, our other mechanic Harry, who works with Josh and I, is working in the garage with the big doors open. I pull up in front, not caring to park in my usual spot out back, and walk into the garage.

Harry glances up from where he is working on an old Indian scout bike he got his hands on. He is thirty years old and loves any bike that was made before the 2000s. He stands from the side of the bike he was working on and rounds it to come face to face with us.

His long silky black hair is pulled back in a ponytail, and the usual smile that he greets everyone with is now replaced with a deep frown.

“What’s going on, Harry?” I ask.

“That kid, Josh. He’s inside. You’re going to want to see this,” he says as he turns and strides to the side door that takes you inside. “Joshua!” Harry calls out.

Josh’s head pops up from where he had it lowered looking down at the desk.

His face is black and blue, and his left eye can barely even open. His lip is cut and looks like it needs stitches.

“What the fuck happened, Josh?” I spit, my anger intensifying that Josh didn’t tell Blade the importance of what he needed.

Josh glances at Harry before looking back at Stone and I. Fear, worry, almost like anxiety washes over his face. He is warring with himself on what to say to us. Before I can call him out and tell him not to fucking lie to us, Harry speaks up. “Tell them the fucking truth or I will. This is fucking serious. You could’ve been killed.” His voice raises to a yell, his hands clenching into tight fists at his side. His whole body seems to tremble with the same rage that is coursing through me right now.

He sighs and sits down in the desk chair before talking. “Yesterday when I left, I thought I saw someone following me, but it was weird. There was a black SUV behind me, riding my ass, then a few minutes later it would back off and then this other black SUV would get up behind me. Until both of them started following me. It became clear that they were making it known I was being followed. I tried to speed up, but since I live so far out, once I get out of town it's all curved roads and I can’t take those fast on my bike, especially at night.”

He winces and touches the cut on his lip when it cracks open and starts bleeding from him talking, but he continues on while Harry hands him some paper towels.

“I had no choice but to just head to my house. There was no other turn off or places to get away from them unless I just pulled up to someone else's house. So I got home and tried to run inside so I could call someone, but before I made it to the door, I was tackled. They wanted me to tell them where you were.

“Apparently, they have been watching the shop and were looking for you and Presley. I refused to say anything, and they beat me until I passed out. When I woke up, they were gone.”

I glance at Stone, and when I meet his eyes, I can see the underlying fury simmering. The same rage that is coursing through me.

Looking back at Josh, I clench my fists and try to keep my voice level. “Do you think you could identify them if we found pictures?”

Josh thinks for a second before nodding. “Yeah, definitely. I remember part of one of the license plates, too.”

“Good. Let's go. You both are coming back to the club with us for now. Let’s close the shop. Stone, text Rage what’s happening.”

Enough is enough. I know this is fucking Ben trying to pull shit. What is his end goal? I have no fucking idea. He killed his own baby and almost killed his ex-wife. What would he want with us now? To finish the job? If that is the case, then we need to find him now before he tries to get his hands on my woman again.

We close up the shop, and Harry drives Josh to the club in his truck with Stone and I following on our bikes.

When we get back to the club and head inside, Rage meets us in the main room. One look at Josh and he yellschurchand tells Sugar to text anyone who isn’t already in the main room. We all head downstairs besides Harry, who stays up in the common room.

After dropping my phone off at the door with a prospect, I head in and take my seat as everyone else does the same. Rage comes in with a first aid kit and has Josh sit in one of the spare chairs along the wall while he cleans up his lip.

Once he is done, he takes his seat and makes sure everyone is here before getting started.

“Alright, Stone texted me a small update about what went down, but now I want you guys to walk me through it.”

I glance back at Josh. “Explain everything again. This time, go into more detail. We need to know every little thing you can remember about what happened.”

An hour later, Josh has filled us in on everything, and Nerds is doing what he can to track down the cars and the two guys. It sounds like they might have been a part of one of the local gangs since Josh remembers one of them saying to call the boss after.

We excuse Josh to leave but tell him to hang out upstairs until we are done here because we aren't sure what the next steps are.

“So does this mean that Ben has resurfaced?” Sugar asks.

Nerds shakes his head. “No. He has gone completely underground. No sign of him anywhere. Not since the day he showed up at the hospital. This gives me a little more to work with since I can aim my search on finding those two guys which hopefully leads us to Ben. But Axe, do you want me to be digging into his parents and Presley’s parents? I was going to start doing that yesterday, but I want to okay with you first.”