
Iflipthehoodover my head and run down the stairs and to the side of her building where some bushes are. I watch from afar as a neighbor comes out and looks to be yelling at someone else inside her apartment. She grabs a phone and dials someone. Hopefully the cops. I was going to do it myself, but it looks like this old bitch is taking care of it for me.

I hang around until I see cops and an ambulance pulling up. They talk to the nosey bitch, then head up and get into Presley’s apartment. I turn around and start walking, back to where I parked my car a block away.

“It had to happen, Ben. It’s fine. She’ll forgive you once you remind her that she is better off with you,” I whisper to myself as I climb back in my car and make the next call I need to make.

“Wyatts,” his smooth voice says through the phone.

“Vance,” I greet back. “I need a favor. After all the favors my family has done for yours, I think it’s only fair you help me with something now.”

“What is it?”

I take a breath and make sure to add a stutter to my voice and sound a little more emotional as I go on to explain to him that my wife has been manipulated and left me, and now, she seems to be held against her will.

“After the brutal attack tonight…Vance, I am scared they might kill her. She’s pregnant with my child, Vance. The baby could be dead,” I say, lacing my voice with defeat.

“Fuck! Are you sure about this? I am going to need any proof you can provide that it is them behind this. I will fucking destroy them from the inside out and get your wife back to you alive and well.”

“T-thank you,” I whisper.

“Let me know if you need anything. Lay low and let us take care of this.”

After I get off the phone with him, I call my buddy at the station here in Jacksonville. “Williams. I need that favor you owe me.”

“Of course. Anything.”

“The Brooks family has a connection in your department. His last name is Smith. He is going to be getting calls soon asking about an attack that happened tonight. I need to make sure that this attack gets marked as a home invasion gone wrong. Can you take of that for me?”

“That should be pretty easy. Are you talking about the girl who was hurt in her apartment about an hour ago?”

“That’s the one.” After I give him everything he needs, he agrees to override anyone else and make sure the information is down correctly.

I start my car and take off, heading out of town to make sure I am out of the line of sight while all of this is going down. I glance down at my arm where a wicked scar runs from my wrist all the way up to my elbow, reminding myself I am doing this to take control. I want all the control there is, and I will have it.

I hit the Bluetooth button on my dash, and a second later the phone is ringing.

“Benjamin. Do you have an update for me?”

“It’s done. A few more weeks and my wife will be back with me, and we will be able to take down the Brooks once and for all.”

He hums, “I have to say, I’m impressed. Once we see how all of this plays out in the end, you may have earned yourself the right to run Jacksonville.”

Chapter Twelve

Axe (Jackson)

Iwakeupfroma decent night of sleep. I usually don’t sleep too well, my mind reliving the worst day of my life. But last night, I fell asleep easily. I still had a nightmare, but it wasn’t as aggressive. I can’t wait until the day I get to have Presley in my arms every night. I hope that day comes sooner rather than later. The days I stay with her, she doesn’t touch me until she falls asleep, and then she climbs to me and holds on. Those are the best nights of sleep I get.

I get up for the day and shower before heading downstairs, seeing most of my brothers up. We have church this morning to discuss a few extra things going on around the club. I head into the kitchen to get something to eat and see Grayson cooking.

“Hey, kid, are you ever gonna make Cayden or Ryker cook?”

He shakes his head with a sigh. “I tried. Cade just gets mad when he doesn’t get it right instantly, and Ryker hates following directions. But I really don’t mind cooking.” He shrugs. The kid is way too nice sometimes. As much as Ryker is a pain in the ass, I’m glad Grayson has him. Ryker would not hesitate to go to bat for Grayson.

“Well, church isn’t for another hour. What can I do to help?”

He puts me to work, and I do my best to help. I’m not the best cook, but I can follow directions—mostly.