“Almost four months now,” I whisper.

“Can you tell me more? The father? Is he… in the picture?” He sounds pained, like asking that bothers him, and it brings a tiny smile to my face.

“No. Well, he will be. But right now, no. It’s my ex-husband. Well, soon-to-be. Long story short, I was stupid and naïve, so I decided to remove myself from that whole life I was living. I wanted a fresh start. I wasn’t fully happy to begin with and always felt like I didn’t truly fit into the life I lived there. So I left and came here. Once the divorce papers get taken care of, then we will go to court to figure out how things will work with the baby. He’s… he’s not an evil man. But he isn’t happy about me making these decisions.”

That’s enough information, right? He doesn’t need to know everything. Ben hasn’t done anything by now, and I really don’t think he ever will. He’s just playing mind games.

Axe nods. “But you’re safe?”

I nod and furrow my brows. Opening and shutting my mouth a few times, trying to decide what to say. “Yes. He’s left me notes since I blocked his number when he wouldn’t stop calling. We fought the day I said I was done, but nothing has happened since that day.” Okay, I’m not being fully honest. But I don’t see the point in telling him everything. I have to believe that somewhere inside of him is the man I use to know and he won’t take this any farther than it has gone.

“Okay. Alright… do you need help with getting the divorce papers done? Or anything with the baby? Are you working too much? Was the food Josh ate, what made you puke? What else does? I’ll make sure the guys don’t bring anything that bothers you.” He asks everything in one big breath.

My eyes go wide. “W-what? You, you want to help? You’re not running? You’re not… firing me?”

“Okay, first off, why would I fire you?” he says with a slight growl as he frowns.

“I spent my first two months here looking for a job. And at first, I told them I was pregnant, and they all turned me away. So I stopped telling people so I would get hired at least long enough to get more money saved.” I shrug.

His expression hardens. “That’s not okay or right. I’m gonna want names. I need to make sure they are treating people fairly.”

“What? How are you…”

He shakes his head. “Not important right now. Back to what you said. Yes, I want to help you. You're my employee, I take care of anyone working for me. This is my town. We will help anyone who needs it. But those things don’t apply to you.”

It feels like my heart drops in my chest. I knew this was coming. I was naïve, again, to assume someone cared enough.

His hand comes from the nape of my neck, and he grips my chin, tilting my head up to meet his eyes… eyes that are full of lust… and something else I refuse to acknowledge. “You have wormed your way into my life. Somehow, I went from wanting to just fuck whoever, whenever to not touching another woman for three long fucking weeks. Those things don’t apply to you because you are mine.” He scoffs. “I basically claimed you to my club. I don’t understand it. But at the same time, I do.

“Because when I’m with you… when I’m with you, Presley, you are all I can see. Everything else fades away. When I have a shitty run with the club, I think of you. You bring me peace, joy, and happiness. You have a light about you that draws my eyes to you. I could walk into a room full of 1,000 people, and I will still find you. I will always find you. You’re my angel. I will fight for you. I will cherish you. Ravish you. Support you. And be whatever you want to this little one you’re growing. I never thought of myself as wanting kids, but this changes nothing. This is a part of you. And I accept all of you. I have since the day I saw you for the first time.”

Fresh tears make their way down as he cups my cheeks with both hands and wipes them away.

I can’t move. I can’t breathe. I feel like I’m suffocating, but in the most terrifying and exhilarating way. I clear my throat, realizing I need to say something. “I…”

He shakes his head.

“It’s okay. I just dumped that on you, and I’m sure it’s a lot. Just know that I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. Even if you tell me you don’t feel the same way, I won’t believe you, and I’ll work my ass off to prove otherwise, but I’ll still be in your life. There is no getting rid of me. So take your time. When you're ready, come to me. I’ll be here.”

I nod, and he wipes the last few tears from my face before kissing me softly. I sigh into the kiss, and he chuckles before pulling away.

“Come on, you need to eat.” Right as he says that, my stomach grumbles loudly, and we laugh as we head back inside.

Today did not go as planned, that’s for sure.


"Motherfucker!"Thesoundofglass shattering into the wall draws the attention of my security guard as he cracks the door open and pops his head in. "I'm fine. Fuck off." I grunt. The second the door shuts, I toss the photos back on my desk and stand, heading to the mini bar in my office and grabbing another glass of whiskey since the first one is now splattered on the wall.

I don't know what my doll thinks she is up to, but I've about had it with her games. My father always told me that sometimes women need a firm hand to guide them down the right path and understand who is in charge.

Apparently, it's time I up my game. My doll thinks that because I am allowing her to go off and live her little fantasy, she can be kissing bikers? Those lips are fucking mine and mineonly.

I've let her have her time to get over what happened when she saw me with that bitch in Montana. But that time is up now. We won't be playing this game any longer. It's time for my Presley to come home and learn some lessons.

I chug the whiskey down, letting the slight burn in my throat fuel me as I head back over to my desk and make a call.

The second his gruff voice answers, I jump right into it. "I have a new plan. I have a way to draw the attention where it needs to go to keep eyes off me. One of my buddies at the station owes me a favor, so he can put in a call to Jacksonville. Then I can get the Brooks family involved. After they solve a little problem for me, we both can get what we want."