“I said your name when I came in and I knocked once,” he remarks with a smile.
I sigh, “Sorry. My thoughts are all over the place, and I was trying to figure out how to text someone back.”
He tilts his head, studying me. “How to text someone back?” he says with a raised brow.
A strained laugh comes out of me. “Raven wants me to go out with her tonight and has been nagging me all week, but I don’t think I want to. I hate letting her down, though. She’s a good friend.”
He nods. “Raven is very persistent, but she’s also understanding. She’ll just pout a bit, that’s all.”
“That sounds about right.” My stomach picks that time to grumble, and I know my face is turning bright red.
Axe chuckles. “Time for lunch?”
I look at the computer and see the time. “Wow, it’s noon already. Yeah, it’s time. I should’ve eaten earlier.” I stand up and we both walk out to the hall and towards the breakroom.
Since the day I came back after I called off, Axe eats with me almost every day. Sometimes we walk somewhere for lunch, but most days we eat in one of the offices, now that they are usable. We got both of them cleaned out and set up. I use the second one, and Axe is actually using his office again.
I haven’t moved downstairs yet because I am still getting their finances set up and organizing all the paperwork. I have been working on digitizing it all. Plus, there are some inconsistencies with the money that we have been looking at. It looks like Anna, the girl who used to work here, was stealing from them. Axe hasn’t said anything more about it, but I know he is going to do something about it.
When we walk into the breakroom, I immediately regret it. Josh is in here and whatever he is eating, the baby has decided they hate it. I cover my mouth and turn around, having to shove past Axe, who tries to stop me on my way out. I race down the stairs and out the front door. Running to the side of the building, which is a small alleyway, I immediately throw up anything left from my breakfast and gag. Luckily, I had my water bottle that I carry everywhere with me, so I swoosh some water in my mouth and spit on the ground. Ugh, I feel disgusting.
I place a hand on my belly and say, “Okay, sweetling. No more of whatever he was eating, but can you give me a break, please?”
This bean is destroying my sleep and my appetite more than I ever thought possible. I rub my belly and take a few deep breaths, realizing when I go back in, I will have to explain this to Axe. Crap. I really just need to tell him. I can’t keep it a secret much longer.
Let’s just hope he doesn’t fire me. Okay, that’s not really what I’m worried about. I like him. And I know he’s going to treat me differently when he finds out. That thought brings tears to my eyes. Damn emotions!
A throat clears behind me. I straighten and freeze. Shit.
“Are—are you okay?” His voice is ragged as he stumbles over his words.
I nod and slowly turn around to face him, assuming he heard me talking out loud. His face is blank, as if he’s hiding anything he may be feeling. Anger. Betrayal. I did keep this from him, and that’s as good as a lie. We’ve gotten so much closer these last two weeks. He’s become my friend. Someone I smile even just thinking about. When he walks into a room, my eyes are immediately drawn to him. He makes me laugh and feel so… so loved in ways I haven’t felt before.
This dangerous, stereotyped bad biker man is a better man than half the men I grew up around. But now? I’ve lost that. Silent tears fall down my face as I look at his blank expression. Refusing to break eye contact. I deserve to stand here and take whatever he is about to dish out.
But instead, I’m shocked to my core. How can this man get even better?
He stalks forward and keeps going until I’m backed up to the rough brick wall. He stares down at me before releasing a strangled sound as he slides his large hand up my back and under my hair, squeezing the nape of my neck. His other hand grabs my hip as he pushes himself against me, so I’m pinned between the cold wall and his hard, hot body.
He leans down and kisses me. Not just a peck; he takes total control. He pushes his tongue past my lips, demanding access—that I willingly give.
His hands squeeze where he’s holding me, and he lets out a noise from the back of his throat that sends tingles down my spine. I feel my panties getting soaked, and when he finally pulls away, resting his forehead on mine, I keep my eyes closed as I catch my breath.
A few moments pass as we stay locked this way. Before a deep chuckle comes out of him, his breath hot across my face as he says, “Open your eyes, angel.”
I shake my head. If I don’t open my eyes, then I can pretend this is real and I’m not going to have to face the consequences of my actions.
He chuckles again before pressing a hard, fast kiss to my mouth, then pulling away enough that you could slide a book between us.Too far away. “Open them, Presley. Let me see those beautiful eyes.”
Well, fuck. Sue me for being put under an Axe spell. My eyes open automatically with the command noted in his voice and him complimenting me.
He smiles softly at me. I blink, confused, and he must see that because he then says, “You looked so devastated and were crying. I needed to stop it. Take away the pain. Something. But Presley,”—I tense—“take a deep breath, angel. It’s okay. I promise.”
My mind fights with me as I look into his eyes. Seeing the truth there but being scared to believe it. The thing is, though, I don’t want to picture my life without this man in it, in any way I can get him. It sounds crazy since we only just met three weeks ago, but I feel more confident about my feelings here and now with him than I did in my entire marriage.
I inhale, hold it, and exhale. I repeat this three times before Axe nods.
“Good girl. How far along are you?” I try to step away, but he still has his hands on me, and he tightens his grip, making it clear he isn’t letting me go.