I glare at him and wait for Raven to walk away again before responding. “Because I’m not some lovesick puppy. She’s my employee. I care about her. That’s it.”

“You might have that one backwards there, bud. I mean, I’m not the person to ask for relationship advice, but—”

“You’ve never actually dated anyone, Blade. You just screw women and run away like your ass is on fire,” Rage says with an eyeroll before turning to me. “Go check on her, but maybe make sure you’re calm first. You’ve been on edge all day, Axe.”

“You’re going to see Pres?” I look down the table to where Raven is standing with the rest of our food. I didn’t plan on her knowing, but it’s too late now.

“Yeah. Just want to make sure she’s good.”

Raven raises a brow. “You better be nice. And no, she’s not okay, but don’t go pushing her to tell you things she might not be ready to tell.”

I stiffen. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Let me finish. Don’t push her. She’s been through enough, and she is already struggling. And if she tells you, you better not belittle her, or I will castrate you.” She goes to walk away but turns back around and stalks around the table to stand next to me, pointing a finger in my face as she says, “I swear to god, Axe, if you so much as make one tear fall down her face, I will destroy you. And if she is just someone you want to get into bed with, go find some other warm hole. Pres isn’t that girl.” She slams her hand on the table before turning and stomping back towards the kitchen.

“Damn, that was kind of hot,” Blade says with a whistle. “That took a lot of balls for her to do. No one talks to us like that.”

I nod but say nothing. Raven feeling the need to even say anything puts a lot of shit into perspective for me. WhatdoI want from Presley? I care about her. I know she isn’t just an easy lay, but do I really want a relationship? The last one I had ended so badly I haven’t dated since. And that was almost a decade ago.

Everyone eats and talks as I just stare at my plate. My leg bounces and after a few more seconds, I shove my chair back, get up, and leave. I need to go check on her. After the short two-minute ride to her apartment, I park my bike behind her car since there aren’t any other parking spots and head upstairs to knock.

My breath gets stolen from me as soon as she opens the door. Her hair is pinned back with a hair clip, she has no makeup on, and her face is pale like she is nauseous. She is wearing a huge t-shirt and sweatpants with fuzzy socks on her tiny ass feet. But yet she couldn’t look more beautiful. Coming here was the right choice.Fuck me.

Her eyes go comically wide, and her cheeks turn bright pink. “W-what are you doing here?”

“I came to check on you. Can I come in?”

She nods slowly, like she is unsure of what to do or if I’m real. She steps back, and I walk in, shutting the door behind me. I take in her apartment as she walks towards the kitchen island. It’s minimal, but I can see touches of Presley with the decor. It’s spotless. There is no clutter, and everything seems to have its own spot.

As I follow Presley towards her kitchen, I notice how her shoulders are slumped, and when she turns around to face me from the other side of the counter, she looks exhausted. Her eyes are red, and she can barely keep them open.

“Do you want something to drink?”

I shake my head. “No, angel, I’m okay. How are you doing? Were you not feeling well today?”

She opens her mouth but then automatically shuts it. Closing her eyes, she takes a deep breath before looking at me again. “I just didn’t sleep well, and my, uh—” She clears her throat. “My anxiety has been pretty bad today. But I’m good. I just needed a day of rest. I will make up for the hours I missed this week and make sure I am caught up.”

“No, that’s not why I’m here. I just wanted to make sure you’re alright. Don’t worry about work. You already did more in one day than I’ve been able to get done in the past few weeks.” I grin at her. “I tried to get it done a few times, but as soon as I opened the door, I would think fuck that and immediately shut it.”

Presley lets out a chuckle and cracks a small smile. “Okay. Sorry, I’m just exhausted.”

Shit. Now I feel horrible for coming over here. It’s only 7 p.m. but she could’ve been napping. “That’s okay. I can go so you can sleep. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay and don’t need anything.”

She fiddles with the cup in her hand, keeping her eyes downcast. “It’s alright. I was having a hard time sleeping, anyway.” She raises a hand and wipes under her eyes but keeps her eyes down.

“Where do you keep extra blankets?”

Her big brown eyes jump up to mine, and she furrows her brows. “In my bedroom closet. Why?”

I give her a smug grin. “Get your ass on the couch and pick out a movie. I’ll be right back.”

She opens her mouth to respond, but I turn and head down the hall, not giving her the chance. The first open door seems to be her bedroom, so I go to her closet and find a huge stack of extra blankets.Why the fuck do woman need so many blankets?I grab a bunch and a pillow off her bed before heading back out to the living room, where my perfect angel is on the couch.

She is sitting in the corner with her back against the armrest and her legs pulled up to her chest. I toss the blankets on the couch before walking towards her. “Sit up for a second.” She does, and I slide the pillow behind her. “Lay down.”

Her mouth gapes open, but I shake my head.

“Shhh, just lay back.”