She nods. “Well, if you trust me, then I’d say just leave it to me, but it’s going to take me at least two weeks of nonstop working up here to get it into working order, and then there’s creating a system for it all.”

“That works. I trust you,” I say and find myself surprised that I mean it. Whole-heartedly I trust this woman that I barely know. “Just do your thing. The other mechanics that I will introduce you to when they get here will run the downstairs until you are set to take it over. There is another office up here that isn’t as bad that you can use as your home base until this is all done. Then the desk downstairs will be yours. And if you need help with anything, just holler. We all will be at your beck and call.”

“Sounds good. Where is the other office?” I lead her down the hall to her space, and as she opens the door and looks in, her nose scrunches up. I step up behind her and look in.

“Fuck.” I scrub a hand down my face. “I really am sorry. I didn’t know how bad this was. The last girl really fucked us over. Not that it’s a valid excuse for me to have let it get to this point, but I—” Before I can say more, I feel a slender hand on my chest and look down. I didn’t realize how close we were standing when I stepped up behind her, and now she is facing me. She gives me a hesitant smile when I look down at her.

“It’s really okay, Axe. I can get it back to what it should be. We can. Together.”

Fuck. My dick, I mean, me. I really like the sound ofwecoming out of her mouth. This woman is going to be the death of me. I stare at her perfect lips, feeling my control fading and wanting to push her into the office and ravish her perfect little body.

Before I can even move, a throat clears from the end of the hall, and Presley drops her hand from my chest. I immediately feel an ache there and want her to put her hand back. But not before I murder whoever interrupted us. I turn and find one of my mechanics, Josh. He is a younger guy in his early twenties with long blond hair that he keeps tossed back in a bun while he works. He always wears hoodies and holey jeans. He is an odd one, but he gets the job done and is a good guy.

I take a step back from Presley. “Presley, this is Josh, one of our mechanics. Josh, this is Presley. She will be the new receptionist but also a co-manager with me. She is going to spend a few weeks up here helping to get this shitshow in order.”

Josh looks Presley up and down and gets a sly look on his face. “Well, hello, Presley,” he draws out.

I immediately tense up. “Off limits.” Josh’s eyes go wide, and he nods frantically. I step toward him. “Off fucking limits. Am I clear?”

“Yes, boss.” He salutes. The slight terror I originally saw on his face is now gone, and in its place is a cocky smirk as he looks between us like he knows something I don’t.

“Good. Inform the others.”

He dips his head, then turns and takes off. Fuck. I didn’t mean to be so aggressive. I turn to look at Presley, ready to apologize and prepare a lie as to why I said she is off limits, but the words die on my tongue at the look of pure heat in her eyes as she stares right at me.

This is going to be hell for my dick. I mean me. Hell for me… and my dick.

After I finished showing Presley around, I went downstairs to work on a bike that I needed to get done this week and give myself a distraction from thinking about the angel upstairs. It’s been a few hours now, and she hasn’t come down to get any help with anything. So, I decide to go up and check on her. I wash my hands before heading upstairs, letting the others know I am going on lunch so they can monitor the front in case someone comes in.

When I get upstairs, I hear soft humming coming from the first office, my office. When I reach to the door, I find it open and Presley sitting on the floor, her red shoes kicked off in the corner of the room. The top she is wearing is loose and flowy and doesn’t show off her curves. When she bends forward to snatch a paper off the floor, her top falls forward, and I can see the matching red lace bra she has on underneath.

I have to hold back a groan from coming out and realize I should say something before I look like a creeper just watching her.

She keeps softly humming as I step into the room and clear my throat. Her head snaps up. “Oh! I didn’t think you’d be back up here for a while. Sorry, I was just trying to figure out what’s what and familiarize myself with everything before I figure out what needs to be organized and taken care of. It was easier to do it on the floor where I had more space,” she rambles.

My lips tilt up into a smile. “It’s all good. I was just coming to check on you. It’s almost lunchtime, and you haven’t come down at all or asked for any help.”

I scan the room and see she has moved some boxes around and slapped sticky notes on others. It looks like a mess, but almost like an organized mess. She has made more progress than I have, that’s for sure. I just look in here and say fuck that and shut the door.

“Well, I might need help soon.” She jumps up, moving angelic-like as she glides across the room. She glances over the boxes that are stacked up on the far wall, looking for what, I am not sure. “Here it is!” she says as she grabs a sticky note and turns to face me.

She seems at home here. Like being here and working on this is taking a load off her shoulders. I don’t understand how or why, but I have to assume that some fucker caused her pain. Maybe her husband…ex-husbanddid more to her than she’s letting on or Nerds can find.

After all, some people are good at wearing a mask until they are behind closed doors.

“What is it?” As I approach her, I watch as she looks at me from head to toe, her cheeks turning pink as she nibbles her bottom lip. All I want to do is reach forward and bite that lip, so I have to hold in yet another groan. I’m drawn to her like I’ve never been drawn to anyone before.

She finally makes eye contact with me, and her breathing turns to pants. I notice her fingers clench the sticky note harder, making it crinkle slightly.

She closes her eyes and inhales, stepping back before she exhales. “These boxes.” She gestures to the ones we are standing next to. “Need to go downstairs. It’s all tools or bike parts that shouldn’t be up here.”

I nod. “Right. For a while, any packages that showed up just got thrown up here. I’ll bet there are things up here the guys and I have been looking for,” I say with a light chuckle. “I’ll get the guys up here to help me after lunch. Have you eaten anything yet?”

She shakes her head. “No, I haven’t.”

“Well then, grab your shoes. Let’s go get some lunch.” I head towards the door as she just stands there for a second before seeming to decide what she wants to do, then walks across the room to where her shoes are, slipping them on before following me out.

When we get downstairs, I hold the door open for her, and when we step outside, my hand finds its way to her lower back. I hear the hitch in her breath, but she doesn’t move away, and neither of us say anything.