“I’m not fucking doing this ‘let’s have a deep talk’ shit with you. Ben will suffer, and I will be the one dishing it out. What happened to my sister doesn’t need to be tossed into this.” I turn and walk out the door, calling over my shoulder, “I’m going over there now. Stone is keeping an eye on Pres.”

Heading straight through the club and outside, just wanting to get this dealt with now, I mount my old bike and take off quickly. There is nothing like feeling the wind on my face. The only thing missing are the petite arms that should be wrapped around me and Presley’s soft, beautiful laugh in my ears.

When I reach the club, which isn’t open right now, I head in and dismiss the two guys who were watching the door, telling them to come back in two hours.

Inside, I find Ben slumped over as much as he can be tied to the chair. Walking over to the old sink on the far wall of the room, I grab a plastic cup and fill it with cold water before throwing it in his face. He wakes up with a jolt and glares at me.

Not broken. I am going to need to change that.

I step over to the wall and table that is full of toys, as Blade calls them. Looking around, I find an open mouth gag. Grabbing it and some pliers, I walk back over to Ben and rip the gag that is currently in his mouth out.

Placing the new gag in, I get it situated just right. I watch as his eyes go comically wide when he realizes he can’t shut his mouth.

“I think you have done enough damage with this mouth. I can’t take your tongue yet. I need you alive still, so your teeth will have to do.”

His eyes attempt to plead with me as he yells, but it doesn’t fucking matter. I take great joy in making him scream as I yank out one tooth at a time. Sometimes stopping for a break before going back and doing more, dragging it out.

After I am done with his teeth, I move on to his fingernails. Taking the rest of them off slowly and painfully. Doing the same thing to his toenails.

After that, I grab a hammer and walk around him in circles. “If Blade were here, he would probably make it a game. He loves playing games. The kid is young but boy, is he twisted. I don’t care for games as much as he does. But I don’t know if that makes you lucky or not.”

I swing the hammer down on his thumb. The sound of a muffled scream and crunching bones helps calm the rage inside of me.

Then I move to his other hand and do that thumb, smiling as he tries to curl in his other fingers to protect them. I move on to each big toe and then go around and around in a circle. Pointer fingers, the next toes, and so on.

My smile only grows as I keep going. Time seems to fly by and before I know it, someone is walking into the room. I spin on my heels and glare at Blade and Rage standing in the doorway.

Blade quickly clears his shock and walks in with a grin. He lets out a loud whistle. “Dang, brother. Color me impressed. That’s some good work.” He walks around Ben like he’s checking out a piece of artwork.

Rage stays by the door. Leaning back against the wall, he crosses his arms. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”

Them showing up here grounds me enough that I take in the room. Blood splatters on most of the walls. I am covered head to toe in blood, and Ben is barely holding on as his head droops to one side and his eyes keep falling closed. His fingers and toes are all broken. All his nails are gone. His teeth are gone. He has small slices all over his arms and legs and torso. His kneecaps are shattered. I also took a hot iron and pressed it into his back over and over again.

I shake my head and look at Rage as exhaustion finally settles in.How long has it been?

“Almost twenty-four hours. You need to take a breather and come back. Shower and sleep. Presley won’t stay out forever, and she is going to need you. You aren’t going to hide here when someone is depending on you to be there. You guys have a lot to get through. Don’t let this fucker hold you back.”

I sigh and walk over to the sink to wash my hands. “You’re right,” I mumble.

Rage chuckles, but there is no humor behind it. “You fucking think?”

“I’ll have the two guys on guard duty give him some food and water, otherwise he isn’t going to make it much longer,” Blade says.

He walks out of the room and Rage drops a bag I didn’t realize he had with him next to me. “Figured you’d need these to get home.”

I open it and find a hoodie and sweats. After quickly changing, we leave with Blade and ride back to the club. Once there, I immediately head towards the medical room so I can check on Presley, but Rage stops me.

“Go shower and sleep in your bed. Get your fucking head on straight.”

After a long, hot shower, I fall into bed and pass out almost instantly. Just wishing my angel was in my arms.

Chapter Eighteen


WhenIwakeupnext, I am alone in the bed. I look around the room, finding that this time, I am more aware of my surroundings. I haven’t been here before. There are three beds in a row. It looks like a small medical room, but it’s definitely not a hospital. I am in the middle bed while no one is to my left and Raven is asleep to my right. On the far side of her bed is a chair that Stone is currently occupying. He isn’t sleeping. He is just watching Raven, observing each breath she takes.

I adjust to lie on my side so I am facing them and look over Raven. She has a blanket over her so I can’t see much of her wounds, but she has an IV in her arm like I do. Stone hears the movement, and his head turns towards me.