Agnes cracks up laughing. “What did he do?”

“He got pissed. I kept telling him to go ahead and call someone because he was threatening to, but he never did. He is more scared to call them than just deal with it. He knew he would have been in trouble had he called for being stupid and stepping outside for a smoke break to begin with. I let him back in after a while and finished up. Everything else was fine. He finally shut up and when I was done, we left. He didn’t say anything in the truck until we were almost here. Then he made a comment under his breath about why he had to come if he isn’t going to at least get something from me in return.”

I gasp. What the hell. “Oh my god.”

Agnes glares at the door he just walked out of. “I can speak with him.”

Raven chuckles. “No, that’s okay. He’s acting tough, but he’s ready to shit his pants because I told him as we walked in that I planned to tell the guys.”

“Are you going to? You should.” I frown.

“Nope. I will handle it myself.”

“Handle what yourself?” Jackson asks as he and Stone walk around the corner. Then Jackson sees his mom, and his face lights up. “Mama! You’re here! Why didn’t you come down?”

She scoffs. “I am not interrupting. Just because I am your mom doesn’t mean I am an exception of the rule.”

Jackson rolls his eyes but wraps his mom up in a tight hug. He glances at me and smiles. “I see you and Presley met.”

Agnes pulls away from Jackson, giving me a wink. “Yes. We just met.”

“I’m glad. I wish I would’ve been up here, though.” He walks up to me and cups my cheeks, giving me a toe-curling kiss that most definitely isn’t appropriate, but I can’t push him away. My body would never let me. When he pulls back just enough to look into my eyes, he asks, “How are you feeling, angel?”

It takes me a minute to catch my breath before I can respond with a squeaky, “Good.”

He wraps his arms around me, and I rest my cheek on his chest, looking at Raven and Agnes… and now a bunch of other guys who are standing around. My face heats as Agnes and Raven laugh at me, and I turn my head to bury my face in Jackson’s chest.

Agnes claps her hands and tells everyone to eat, so we all grab some food and sit around the tables. I sit by Jackson with Raven on my other side, and Agnes is across from us with the rest of the guys filling in the other seats. Carly comes down and joins us as well, sitting on the other side of Raven. She had been studying and getting homework done here since she will now be stuck here until Ben is dealt with. Another thing to feel guilty about.

I lean towards Jackson as conversation happens around us. “Did church go okay?”

He shakes his head and leans close to my ear, whispering, “We’ll talk after we eat. Don’t panic. I promise everything is going to be okay.” He watches my face closely as I nod, probably thinking I am going to fall apart. “Are you really feeling okay? This morning was a lot.”

I give him a genuine smile. “I think I will be okay.”

We go back to eating and enjoying listening to Agnes give everyone a hard time. I sit back, holding Jackson’s hand as I just watch.

I’ve never had a big family. It was always just my mom, dad and I. Unless we also had Ben’s family over. But this? This is a real family. A few years ago, I would have thought you were insane to suggest that a MC could be a family. That their family would turn into mine. But I really couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. This is where I was meant to be.

I feel broken, but right now… I don’t feel unrepairable. I think it is just going to take time. I’m so glad that Agnes ended up being Jackson’s mom. A crazy coincidence. But a very good one.

After we finish eating, Agnes pulls Jackson aside. To give them some time alone, I help the club girls clean up. Carly gives me a grateful smile, but the other two just frown at me. When I pass Carly on my way into the kitchen, she whispers, “Just ignore them. They are moody bitches.”

I don’t want to be rude and completely ignore them, so I give both small smiles whenever they look over at me. Which they don’t return, but oh well.

Arms wrap around me from behind while I finish wiping the counter down. “What are you doing, angel?”

“I’m helping clean up.” I shrug.

“You don’t need to do that. Especially since you just helped cook.”

I start to speak, but before I can, he snags the spray bottle and rag from my hand and sets them aside before scooping me up bridal style and carrying me away. “Jackson! I wasn’t done!”

“Don’t worry, I got it!” Carly shouts. I glance over Jackson’s shoulder at her, and she gives me a wink.

When we get up to our room, Jackson drops me on the bed and climbs on top of me. I let out a giggle when he runs his hands up my sides. He looks up at me with a wicked smile. “Ticklish?”

“No.” I attempt to muster as much seriousness as I can.