Page 70 of Made to Sin

I told myself it was because I didn’t want him to die and make me homeless again. While that was partly true, the other part worried for a whole different reason.

A reason I was too scared to admit out loud.


I had lost my mind when I let Katarina live with me. I wasn’t going to get shit done knowing she was wandering around under the same roof, especially now that I had tasted her.

She was so perfect, it was tormenting. There had to be a flaw when someone was that perfect. But no, she was every inch as consuming as she looked. Her little noises, her sweet juices, her whimpering begs, and her drool-worthy body. Just thinking about her made me hard.

I deserved a gold medal for leaving her that night. If it wasn’t so late and she wasn’t tired, I would have fucked her right there on the kitchen counter. Usually, I didn’t care about the women I bed as long as they were willing and enjoyed themselves. Yet somehow, I was carrying this one to her bed and went as far as tucking her in.

Tucking her into a bed that shouldn’t have been hers in the first place. The room she was staying in was prepared for Liv when she came back from school overseas, but when I saw the opportunity for Katarina to be right within my reach, I didn’t think.

My father would have beaten me black and blue for the recklessness if he were still alive. The unfeeling ex-don didn’t tolerate rashdecisions, didn’t tolerate lapses in judgment. Everything had to be curated to perfection, and that was how he ran his empire.

He wouldn’t understand why a woman had me in such a tight vice. I couldn’t blame him, I didn’t either. She made me lose control, and I couldn’t work as a Made Man without my control intact. It made me weak, and therefore, my family weak.

I resorted to doing my work at the club with a whiskey glass in hand. I had told myself I could do it at home, that she wouldn’t affect me any more than I let her.

Then, she walked out in a skimpy towel in front of a crowd of my men. My family was as important as my left arm, but, at that moment, I wanted to gouge out the eyes of every man who got to see her. If they hadn’t left within the two-minute countdown inside my head, I probably would have.

Fuck, she drove me insane.

Rubbing a hand across my tired face, I wrapped up work for the day. Movement caught in my peripheral, and I cocked up my .40, not expecting any company.

When I realized it was just Sylvio, I tossed the gun on the desk with a lazy flick of my wrist.

His white henley was dyed with patches of red— of blood— and his jeans were equally as stained. I had an inkling it had something to do with the decapitated head he was holding.

While Dante was the brain of the group, Sylvio was the muscles. He took care of the messy aspect that theCosa Nostratried to pretend they weren’t a part of when in public.

It was my job at first, but when I left to train to be a don, my father realized my little brother wasn’t so little anymore and forced him into the Underworld too. I tried to get him out, but the apple didn’t fall far from the tree because Sylvio loved the rush that killing gave him as much as he loved to play with his Legos.

I sighed at the interruption. Tonight was going to be a long one.

“What the fuck, Sylvio? Take your toys outside, not in myoffice. His eyes are still open for fuck’s sake.”

He shrugged. “Meet Abraham Moretti. Sorry, the late Abraham Moretti.”

“Why are you going after the Morettis again?”

“They shot a group of our men after Carlo found out you blew up his trade in February.” He held the head higher with a smirk, blood dripping onto the concrete in droplets. “I ambushed another trade of his for revenge but thought I would save a souvenir to send a message.”

I released a disbelieving breath at the fucker’s unhinged logic. “So send it. Why are you here?”

“I also saved you a rat at the warehouse.”

I lifted my phone. “You could have texted that.”

He looked down at the head. “Pitstop. I plan to deliver Abraham to Carlo’s door myself.”

The older brother instinct in me wanted to stop him from going into direct danger, but if I listened to every soft urge I had, my family would be a laughing stock. Sylvio was more than capable, so I nodded and let him go with a warning.

“Be careful.”

He smirk. “You know me better than that. Of course not.”

“As long as it’s not your head that ends up on my doorstep tomorrow morning.”