Page 57 of Made to Sin

My eyes nearly bulged out of my head. How much? At amaximum, I would last one day, let alone a month.

“Any hotel, Luciano. I don’t need your five-star one.”

“They’re full.”

I rolled my eyes. “How can all the hotels be full?”

“Because I said so.”

“Everything you say becomes law?”

A corner of his lips tipped up. “Yes.”

Ugh, why did I even bother asking?

“But…” I trailed off, not having anything else to say besides confessing that I couldn’t think straight around him.

“But what, Katarina?”

“But nothing. I’ll be honored to stay at your house,” I sarcastically mumbled.

Arguing was pointless. He already made up his mind, and beggars couldn’t be choosers. I accepted my defeat with a sigh.

Now that I had a place to stay, I needed a new plan to not lose my mind there.

I quietly yawned, deciding to put the thinking off for later. Although it was still midday, I was drained from today’s events.

Laying my head on the headrest, I closed my eyes for a mini breather, accidentally dozing off somewhere along the ride.

“Wake up,” a low voice rudely startled me from my nap.

I blinked against the harsh glare of the sun as my eyes adjusted to the brightness. Tilting my head to the side, I wanted to see who was the culprit that woke me.

My eyes landed on Luciano.

Instead of the irritation I expected to feel, I was captivated by his visuals. Every plane, from his high cheekbones to his sharp jaw, was sculpted so carefully that I feared for a papercut. It was hard to distinguish if it was the sun or him that glowed.

He said something, but I didn’t hear, solely focusing on theplumpness of his lips. The memory of kissing them had me biting on my lower ones.

I looked back up to his kohl eyes to see they were already looking into mine. I didn’t know how long we sat there staring at each other, but I didn’t want to pull away. He was too easy to admire and too difficult to look away from.

He eventually broke eye contact, facing his window as a rough palm glided against his chin. It was for the best that he didn’t feel the same, otherwise, I wouldn’t get anything done around him.

I shifted my attention outside my window too, calming the fire in my bones. We were parked in front of a huge detached garage, the house on its left side. Well, that confirmed my theory of him having a lot of cars.

“What’s your favorite car?” I found myself asking.

I felt his eyes warm the side of my face. “This one.”


“No particular reason.”

That got me to turn around. If there was one thing I learned about Luciano was that he always had a reason. He was looking at me with that heavy gaze again.

I blinked.