Oh, god.
I completely lost my mind when his lips finally wrapped over my clit, and he took a sweet suck from the nerves. I screamed out, body bowing as high as I could go, as the influx of pleasure flooded through me.
He continued to play with my clit, sucking and nipping at it like it was a pastime hobby. Whenever I reached my climax, he would slow. After I calmed down, he would do it again and edge me harder. Moan after moan, it was all I could do under his mercy.
Tears swarmed in my eyes as I whined out, unable to deal with his teasing anymore. As if he knew I wasn’t going to last, he dove his tongue straight into my entrance, and a hand squeezed my breast. It felt too good, too addicting, and I let myself fall into the calling of ecstasy.
I shook against the countertop, my orgasm coursing through my veins and exploding on his tongue. He didn’t relent, holding me in place as he sucked the last of my pleasure dry, not stopping until I grew limp.
He let out another guttural groan, speaking to himself more than me. “Fuck, you’re addicting.”
If this was what selling my soul to the devil meant, I was willing to do it many more times. I didn’t care if it made me amasochist, he could take me any time he wanted.
Wanting to return the pleasure, I sat up and kissed along his neck, but he angled away. Embarrassment ran through my body at the rejection, but before the negative thoughts won, he carefully wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off the counter.
“Let’s get you to bed, it’s late,” he hoarsely said, cradling me to his heavily-beating heart.
Instinctively, my legs tangled around him, and he walked us into the familiar room that I was staying in and laid me under the cover. This man surprised me more and more at every turn. Instead of wanting anything in return after the most mind-blowing orgasm I’d received, he tucked me into bed.
“You don’t want to…” I grew shy as I suggested it out loud, inexperienced with the whole thing.
“Another time, sweetheart. It’s three in the morning, and you’re exhausted. Get some sleep.”
I nodded as he pulled the comforter over me and left, closing the door behind his retreating figure. I watched him go, unaware of how we got into this position. His selflessness made me warm inside for a whole different reason I couldn’t discern.
However, something I did understand was that he wanted there to be another time. Like a teenage girl, I squealed into my pillow and fell asleep with a smile on my face.
MYBODYFELTASIFit had been turned inside out the next morning.
The memories of last night flooded back. Uncertainty filled me, not sure how I was supposed to act around Luciano anymore. Would we go on as if nothing happened? He said he wanted another time, but was that just something he said in the moment?
God, if I knew it was this complicated afterward, I never would have gotten with him in the first place.
That was a lie, but it sounded better than admitting I let lust override my will. This was why it was one of the seven deadly sins. No good could come from lust. I didn’t even like the man, and I was stressing myself out.
With a groan, I sunk deeper under the bath until my only face was floating above the surface. I remained unmoving, dreading the rest of the world outside.
Eventually, the water ran cold, and I was forced to face reality. I stood up and got out, one foot at a time. A shiver coasted my body, and I remembered how much I hated the freezing aftermath of baths.
My toes curled into the soft mat for comfort as I hastily reached for my towel. In the process of pulling it off the hook, I accidentally flung my sundress into the discarded soapy water.
You’d got to be kidding me.
I hurriedly scooped up the dress and wrung it dry, but it was clear there was nothing that could save it. Great, that was the last outfit Maria packed, and a big sign to do laundry.
Wrapping the large towel around my body and a smaller version around my hair, I walked out of the bathroom. Good thing it was later in the afternoon, and nobody was around to witness the mess I was making.
I got my dirty clothing pile and carefully walked to the laundry room. My gaze remained on the wet dress to reassure that I wasn’t trailing any water onto the wooden floors.
Could this get any worse?
A few masculine whistles halted my steps at the threshold of the hall to the living room. Looking up, the room was filled with a small gathering of Made Men who had lasered their eyes on me as if I was their next meal.
Merda,I jinxed myself.
I didn’t expect there to be company at this time, assuming Luciano was like Marco and did his business outside of the house.
But when did assuming get me anywhere in life?