Page 62 of Made to Sin

The guy I was talking to either had a death wish or was unaware of whom he was speaking to. He puffed out his chest and squared up to Luciano. “Who do you think you are to interrupt me and talk shit?”

The boss didn’t flinch, disinterested in the display of masculinity. “The person who owns this place. Who are you?”

The guy went quiet, looked at Luciano’s face, and then his blanched. Well, I guess it was the latter, but I couldn’t blame him for the spineless switch. If the devil threatened to cut off my limbs, I, too, would be scared.

“Mr. Beneveti? Forgive me, I didn’t know she was yours. I swear I didn’t do anything to her.”

I protested at being considered another man’s property, but the men didn’t care about my remarks. They were too busy having a pissing contest amongst themselves.

“Leave, and get out of my face before I change my mind. If I see you step foot in my club again, I won’t be so forgiving.”

The guy frantically nodded at the boss’ rare mercy before taking off into the crowd. There went another one of my prospects.

I groaned, banging my head in the exact spot I did earlier this morning. Luciano turned his attention to me with an unimpressed face at my choice of a man. Sure, the guy had no backbone, but it didn’t mean he wouldn’t be good in bed.

Sadly, I’d never know.

Tonight didn’t seem to be the night after all. Giving up, I murmured, “I want to go back, please. I’m tired.”

I didn’t wait for his answer, dejectedly slipping off the barstool and making my way to the exit.

Luciano shut off the engine as we were once again parked in front of the white garage door. I had wished the ride would pass, but now that we were at the house, neither of us was eager to get out.

The air was thick, awaiting what was to come.

“Did you have fun?”

I laughed. “If that was your definition of fun, I understand why you don’t smile often.”

“You notice when I smile?”

“Would you notice if the Northern Lights appeared?”

The corners of his lips tipped up.

“Why did you threaten the guy?” My voice was foreign, more thoughtful than I expected.

He hadn’t said anything to me about it since the club, and while I should have left it how it was, I wanted to know the answer.Neededto know. The possibility had been nagging at me, and if I didn’t get it out now, I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep.

Luciano lightly twirled his keys. “He was a coward who couldn’t stand up for you. What makes you think he’ll treat you right?”

He thought I wanted a relationship? I chuckled at the dichotomy. “I don’t need someone to treat me right. I needed someone to screw me right.”

It wasnotwhat he wanted to hear. His eyes turned into bleak depths that were too menacing to stare at. I had to look away from the darkness as the ruthless don was coming to its front.

If I were smart, I would have run. Yet I remained seated, waiting for his response. I was always too curious for my own good.

“You wanted to fuck him?”

My breath hitched. This man could say the most explicit things and not have a single expression on his face. It was eerilychilling and removed any courage I had left.

Nervously, I confessed. “I mean what else? Plus, if you threatened me like that, I would be scared too.”

He didn’t find my lame attempt at a joke funny, not letting out a hint of amusement. Instead, the humorless atmosphere around us became suffocating, leaving my stomach in tangled knots.

My toes curled, and my clammy hands fisted as I anticipated some kind of reaction. Darting my eyes between his, I tried to find a speck of humanity that told me I wasn’t stupid for staying. There was nothing but steeled, blank walls.