“Message received.” I look over at my sleeping babies and start to shake. I have to blink back tears when I think of how close I’ve come to being separated from them. First the guys who tried to shoot me in the park, and now this? It’s too much. “This is crazy,” I say, the tears welling up and spilling down my cheeks in spite of my best efforts. “You get that, right? This life you live, this situation you’ve put me in, it’s all crazy. And now I have to worry about Maggie getting hurt, too.”

“Shh, it’s okay.” Maksim gets up and comes to kneel in front of me, his big hands gently holding my face. “I’m sorry, Abby. I know how much this has all shaken you. But I promise, nothing is going to happen to you or Maggie or your babies.” His gaze is so intense, his words coming from somewhere deep inside his soul. I have no doubt he believes everything he’s saying.

“It’s not fair.” My lower lip trembles. “We didn’t ask for any of this. Why is it happening to us?”

“You don’t deserve it,” he agrees, brushing the hair from my face and tucking it behind my ears. “That’s why I’m here, sweetheart. To protect you.”

“I’m not even sure you can,” I blurt out, immediately feeling guilty for the words. He’s doing his best, but the reality is that our lives are both so complicated and dangerous right now. “I’m sorry,” I add, shaking my head and wiping away a tear. “That’s not fair.”

“I can,” he promises. His eyes lock on mine, and I know he’s telling the truth. He’s not going to let anything happen to me or my family. “You don’t have to worry anymore. I’ve got this.”

“Okay.” My voice cracks as the tears threaten to overwhelm me again. “But how can you be sure?”

“Because I have more resources than the police, and I won’t stop until I find out who did this,” he replies, his eyes dark with determination.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. It’s a good answer. Not a guarantee, but it’ll have to do for now. “I don’t really have any choice but to trust you for now, do I?”

“No, sweetheart, you don’t.” He smiles sadly, his thumb brushing across my cheek. “But maybe one day you’ll trust me on your own.”

I’m reminded again of all the things I feel for him when he’s not around, and how those feelings are only intensified when he’s close to me like this.

I want to trust him. I want to be with him. I just don’t know what to think anymore.

“I need to call Maggie,” I say, pushing those other thoughts aside to deal with the situation at hand. “I need to hear her voice. I need to know for sure that she’s okay.”

He stands up and I expect him to argue, but he simply walks to the dresser and grabs my phone from where it’s charging, handing it to me. “Call her.”


“Really. You two are close. I know she’s probably freaking out too, wondering how you’re handling the news. Call her.”

“Thank you.” The gesture is small, but it means a lot to me.

He nods and steps out of the room, giving me some privacy. When the door closes, I dial my sister’s number and hold my breath as the phone rings.

“Oh my God, Abby! I’m so glad you called.”

“Are you okay?” I ask, my heart pounding.

“Yes, yes,” she assures me. “I’m perfectly fine.”

“Did the police call you?”

“Yes, and they went by the house this morning.”

“And they didn’t tell you anything?”

“Nothing new. They said they were still investigating, but that they didn’t have any suspects yet.”

“I’m worried,” I admit, glancing over at the babies’ cribs.

“How are you holding up, sweetie? This is a lot to process.”

“I don’t know, honestly. It’s all just so overwhelming.”

“I bet,” she murmurs sympathetically. “Are the babies okay?”

“They’re perfect,” I say, my eyes filling with tears again. “God, Maggie, I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you or them or any of us.”