“Of course not,” he replies without hesitation, and the tightness in my chest lessens. “I just…” He shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair. “I had no idea.”
“I gave birth a few months ago,” I continue, my heart pounding with each word. “To four babies. Quadruplets. It’s been overwhelming, to say the least.”
It’s so quiet that it feels for a moment like time has actually stopped.
“Quadruplets?” His eyes go wide as he finally breaks the silence. “That’s almost unheard of.”
“I know.” I nod, trying to steady my breath. “It’s been a lot to handle, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
His shocked expression begins to fade to a gentle curiosity. “Tell me about them,” he says softly. “I want to know more.”
Before I can delve into the details of my little miracles, his phone rings, breaking the moment. He lets out a frustrated curse under his breath, and I can see the tension in his shoulders. “I’m so sorry, beautiful,” he apologizes, standing up from the table. “I swear I wouldn’t take this call if it wasn’t an absolute emergency.”
“It’s okay,” I assure him, though I can’t help but feel a little disappointed that our conversation got cut short. “Go ahead, I’ll be here.”
He offers me a grateful smile and steps out onto the patio, leaving me alone at the table. As I sit and wait, I pull out my phone and see a few missed calls and a text from Maggie. I quickly call her back, hoping everything is okay with the babies, since she should be back home by now.
“Abby, thank goodness you answered,” Maggie says, her voice filled with relief. “I was getting worried. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” I reply. “I’m just having dinner with Al—Maksim. Anyway, what’s going on? Is everything okay?”
“Everything is fine here, but…” There’s a brief pause before she continues, “There’s something you need to know. Theyfound Booker Carlson. He’s been beaten and shot. Abby, he’s dead.”
My heart skips a beat, and I feel a chill run down my spine. “Dead? Are you sure?”
“I saw it on my socials. One of the people on his blog team came to check on him for some reason and saw the body, posted a reel about it on Instagram,” Maggie confirms. “It’s already blown up with thousands of views before the police even got there. I sent you a screenshot so you could see for yourself. There’s also a link to the video, but I don’t know if the police will have taken it down by now or not.”
I look down at my phone and pull up the message so I can see the picture she sent. The link works, and I watch the video with rounded eyes. “Oh my God,” I say out loud before I can stop myself.
I recognize that neighborhood, the building that the person filming the video is walking towards and into.I just came from there.
“I have to go.” I swallow hard and look around, but everything is still so calm and serene here in the restaurant. It’s crazy to think we’ve just come from a crime scene. A murder scene. And I’m here with the murderer. So much for listening to my own instincts. I’ve been joking about it with Al—withMaksim,all this time, and… and…
I think I’m going to throw up.
“I’ll be there soon to pick up the kids.”
I hang up the phone and look around again, my mind racing. I need to get out of here. Like, now.
Maksim is still out on the patio, talking on the phone. I stand up from the table and start walking toward the door, belatedly noticing something I’d missed before—two men in black suits with slicked-back hair are standing at the entrance, and they’re both watching me.
Swerving away from the front door, I make a beeline for the restroom instead. At least nobody will follow me in there. There’s a small window on the opposite wall, and I take about half a second to consider climbing out, but it’s too high up and I’m wearing a freaking ballgown.
I take a few calming breaths that don’t even come close to soothing my nerves and walk out into the foyer of the restaurant again, then head back toward our table as if nothing is wrong.
Maksim still isn’t there, thank God.
At the last moment, I make a split-second decision. There’s no way I can stay here with someone who just murdered a man. Someone who now knows I have four babies. His babies.
I turn toward the kitchen and take a few calm steps, then I run. I run through the back of the restaurant, ignoring the chef and servers who are yelling after me. I run until I make it to the back door, then I keep running.
I have to get back to my babies before Maksim does. I don’t care if it’s illogical or not, I don’t even know if he’s interested in his kids at all. But I’m filled with a sudden panic, and all I can think about is keeping my babies safe.
Chapter 10